Stress no more

Feeling anxious? Sniff your lover’s clothes. Research from the University of British Columbia found that women feel calmer after being exposed to their male partner’s natural scent. Following a stress test, the study’s participants had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol after smelling their man’s T-shirt. Conversely, those who sniff ed a stranger’s scent had higher cortisol levels. For a longer-lasting, therapeutic effect, wear your guy’s tee, or sleep on his side of the bed.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Feeling anxious? Sniff your lover’s clothes. Research from the University of British Columbia found that women feel calmer after being exposed to their male partner’s natural scent. Following a stress test, the study’s participants had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol after smelling their man’s T-shirt. Conversely, those who sniffed a stranger’s scent had higher cortisol levels. For a longer-lasting, therapeutic effect, wear your guy’s tee, or sleep on his side of the bed.
My Reading Room



We’ve all been there. Regardless of how enticing a flash sale is or how intriguing that new movie is, you just don’t have the energy for it. If you are tired of feeling sluggish all the time, it’s time for a change. Skip the extra cups of coffee and try these five methods to boost your energy levels.


Besides increasing your risk of conditions like lung cancer, heart disease and stroke, the toxins and tar in the smoke from cigarettes can also reduce the efficiency of your lungs. What this means is over time, there will be less oxygen transported around your body, which can make you feel lethargic.


While hitting the snooze button might be a tempting option when your alarm goes off in the morning, you could be interrupting your hormonal cycle if you keep waking up and going back to bed. This, in turn, makes it harder to get going because you may not feel fully rested. Instead of hitting snooze, try setting your alarm for 10 to 15 minutes later and place your phone across the room so you’ll have to walk over to silence it.


Having a cup of joe can help to increase alertness and sharpen your mind. However, when consumed in large volumes or after lunch, it can cause insomnia. If you need a morning pick-me-up, swop your coffee for a cup of green tea. In comparison to coffee, green tea is less likely to interfere with your sleep cycle because it contains a smaller dose of caffeine. Additionally, green tea also contains heart-healthy polyphenols.

My Reading Room

When you laugh, you’re reducing stress levels and releasing feel-good hormones which can not only boost your immune system, but also give you an instant energy boost. Take this as your cue to go ahead and watch those funny videos.


You should never say yes to a nightcap because alcohol can prevent your body from entering REM sleep. So, even though you get plenty of sleep, you still don’t feel well-rested and energised. Also, alcohol is a diuretic. If you have a tipple before hitting the sack, your sleep might get disrupted because the alcohol can make you get up during the night to pee.

If you do enjoy winding down with a glass of wine, make sure to drink within recommended guidelines. According to the Health Promotion Board, women should drink no more than one standard drink (with 10g of alcohol) a day and men should limit themselves to two standard drinks per day. Also, avoid having a drink too close to bedtime.
More: sleep