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Challenge yourself with these unusual – and gruelling – workouts. You’ll be surprised at just what you can achieve.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Anyone knows just how easy it is to slip into a comfort zone – the familiarity of your regular yoga class, the predictable terrain on your evening runs or the coaching style of your HIIT trainer. 
While there’s nothing wrong with routine, putting yourself through a completely new sport can elevate your physical and mental performance by leaps and bounds. Forgotten muscles get working, your heart pumps harder, and you overcome old fears and insecurities in some cases. 
If you’re ready to break out of your mould, check out this selection of classes that will surface your adventurous side. By the end of each session, you will start believing that you are capable of doing more! 



Regular yogis will understand how intimidating arm balances can be, at fi rst. It’s easy to psyche yourself out of even trying. But all it takes to master handstands and other advanced poses is simply hard work. 

Now there are calisthenics studios that specifi cally train your core and upper body so as to help you get upside down in a few sessions, with the right technique. By the time you can master a handstand, you can be sure that your overall fi tness level will have elevated correspondingly. Plus, it’s a fun party trick to display! 

Where to go Singapore Calisthenics Academy

Address Moni Gallery Hostel, Level 2 

Price $35 for walk-ins 

For more information, visit:

The multi-level Cali Strength class at Start Station pushes all your muscle groups here with the use of gymnastic rings and parallettes (a pair of dip bars) to do knee-ups, support-holds, pull-ups, push-up variations and much more. Over time, you’ll develop the strength to do advanced moves like the planche (where you hold your body up parallel to the fl oor while gripping the parallettes) and handstands. 
All levels are welcomed as they off er various modifi cations for each exercise. In a few sessions and with improved strength, you will feel a ton more confi dence and reach new heights in your training.
Where to go Start Station
Address Core Collective, 79 Anson Rd 
Price $45 for three classes for fi rst-timers, $30 for walk-ins
For more information, visit:


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Ever had fantasies of being a real-life mermaid? Now you can be Ariel for real, thanks to Singapore’s fi rst Mermaid School. Slip on a tail and shimmy away! All you need are basic swimming skills so you can glide through the water to showcase your talent and beauty. 

You can take a private lesson, group class, or even a full-day experience. They launched a new program in 2018 that gives students a chance to experience being a mermaid in a performative setting. While the activity seems fun and glamorous, your core, glutes, and thighs will be aching by the end of the day! 

Aspiring mermaid students can catch founder and instructor Syrena in action at JW Marriott South Beach’s Fishpool Bar on Fridays and Saturdays from 7pm to 8pm. 

Where to go The Mermaid School 

Address West of Singapore Price $440 for fi ve 1-hour sessions 

For more information, visit: www.

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It’s not always easy to pull off  a skydiving trip – the cost is hefty and you need to fl y overseas for it. Also, the safety risks can outweigh your desire to try out this thrilling sport. But now with indoor skydiving, there’s no excuse. 

At iFly Singapore, you fl y at a non-threatening height of 5.5m in a 17m tall air chamber – it churns out strong winds to simulate real skydiving minus conventional risks. 

First timers can try fl ying with an instructor for 60 seconds while experienced fl yers can perform fl ips and tricks. Plus, you can take in the view of the South China sea in the midst of it all. 

Where to go iFly Singapore

Address #01-01 43 Siloso Beach Walk 

Price $89 for one skydive for fi rst- timers 

For more information, visit: www. ifl

Jetpacking is quite undisputably the coolest water sport of late. A water-propelled jetpack sends you 9m into the air and lets you feel like Iron Man across the 45-minute session. Forget about chilling out, the activity requires full body engagement so you don’t fl op like a dead fi sh in mid-air. Instead, you’ll come out of it with improved balance, fl exibiltiy, coordination, reaction time, concentration, strength and maybe even swimming skills. 
As you “fl y” across the sea, you’ll be treated to overhead views of Sentosa and Siloso beach. Jetpacking is a great way to escape the heat while enjoying an adrenaline rush. After a few gos, you may fi nd yourself attempting rolls and fl ips while up in the air. No experience is required and there are certifi ed instructors on site if you require help. 
Where to go Ola Beach Club 
Address 46 Siloso Beach Walk 
Price $198 for a 45-minute session 
For more information, visit: 


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Pole dancing is no frivolous exotic dance; it is, in fact, a serious workout that requires full-body strength and a whole lot of bravery to hold on to the twirling pole. So whatever insecurities that you come into class with will get tossed out the window pretty soon as you focus instead on getting your techniques right. 
Places like The Brass Barre off er a seven-week beginners course (plus a performance week to show off  your moves). You can also progress to intermediate levels or try your hand at other dance techniques including Floorplay, Russian Exotic, and Aussietwerk. 
Where to go The Brass Barre 
Address #02-24 277 Orchard Road 
Price $15 for fi rst-timers 
For more information, visit: www. 
Ask a woman to choose between attending a sexy dance class and a punishing HIIT workout, and chances are she will choose the latter. Our hangups with our physical shape and insecurities about the way we move are in full view of everyone in the studio. 
But studios like Slap that off er a Striptease & Lap Dance class along with pole classes will help allay your fears with profesionally conducted sessions that, at the end of the day, work your cardio fi tness, muscle tone and core strength. You can expect to learn sexy moves and transitions with the fl oor, chair, props, and costumes. And as your legs, tums and bum start getting leaner, your confi dence will balloon in size.  
The multi-level class is open to everyone, and you can come dressed in whatever makes you most comfortable – T-shirt and shorts included. The only requisite is that you come with an open mind! 
Where to go Slap 
Address #17-02 144 Robinson Road 
Price $16 for fi rst-timers 
For more information, visit: 


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Unleash pent-up angst with this high-energy bootcamp style workout. MetCon, short for metabolic conditioning, will get you to repeat and sustain high-intensity exercises – expect lots of weightlifting movements – with short rest periods to burn fat and condition your body. Attending these fun, fast, and furious classes will increase your 
fi tness level rapidly if you chart regular attendance. Plus, you can expect your endorphins to be surging as you run, shout, and train outdoors. 
Where to go UFIT Bootcamps 
Address UFIT Tanjong Pagar, #01-04/05 Keppel Towers; CrossFit Bukit Timah, 220 Turf Club Road 
Price Free trial for first-timers, $37.50 for walk-ins 
For more information, visit: www.ufi 
If you are unable to achieve a Black Widow-worthy fi gure on your own after all this while, then it’s time to call in professional help. Avengers Training at Equip Fitness is labelled an “insane-intensity” class and for good reason. You will be tested in endurance and strength with the use of box steps, box jumps, TRX, kettlebell swings and more. Come ready for a heart-pumping, high- intensity interval training session, and leave feeling like you can conquer the world. 
Where to go Equip Fitness
Address #02-01 Bukit Timah Plaza
Price Free trial for fi rst-timers
For more information, visit: www. 
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Martial arts is a great sport for everyone to learn. In addition to self-defence skills, you gain the confi dence to stand up for yourself in challenging situations. Sparring sessions will help you to overcome your fears while you build mental and physical strength. 
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Singapore off ers classes for beginners to pick up basic techniques, and sparring. In advanced classes, you will progress to more attacks, transitions, and strategies. And if you want to try it out on your own, they have open mat timings too. Even kids can join in and learn in the BJJ Kids class. 
Where to go Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Singapore 
Address #06-19A Peace Centre 
Price Free trial for fi rst-timers 
For more information, visit: