Safer, Fitter & Stronger

More than just learning self-defence, krav maga helps you improve your fitness and confidence. in this final of a three-part series, two enthusiasts share how the benefits have affected their lives.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
More than just learning self-defence, krav maga helps you improve your fitness and confidence. in this final of a three-part series, two enthusiasts share how the benefits have affected their lives.

Krav Maga is a simple yet proven self-defence system that teaches women effective techniques that can protect themselves from potentially dangerous real-life situations.

Krav Maga Culture (KMC) offers a range of classes to suit your needs and interests. Easy to learn, these practices enhance the body’s natural reactions and reflexes.

– Shavonne
Wong, fashion
– Shavonne Wong, fashion photographer

As a woman, there were many times in my life when I found myself in unpleasant situations, like when I was publicly harassed during an overseas trip. So when I asked a friend to recommend a form of self-defence I could do, he suggested Krav Maga.

While the classes can sometimes be tough and physically exerting, the objective is clear, which is to focus on learning the right techniques.

Each session gets more intense towards the end with the summary drill, when you really have to push yourself hard. Though I was rather unfit at the start, but over time and with much effort, I’ve gotten stronger and fitter.

Knowing how to defend myself against unsavoury men – even those who are bigger than me – has been very empowering. While Krav Maga has provided useful ways for me to overcome dangerous situations, it’s really the confidence that I’ve gained to voice my discomfort that has been most encouraging.

Of course, aside from the obvious physical health benefits, my confidence level has soared since doing Krav Maga. I feel safer and stronger – even though I haven’t had to use these new skills to save my life. And I hope I never have to.

– Jennifer Jacoby,
stay-home mum
– Jennifer Jacoby, stay-home mum

I discovered Krav Maga about seven years ago, when my husband and I were looking for an activity that would instill self-discipline, as well as channel the energy of a very active son who was four at the time. Even my daughter got into it.

During classes, we are trained to deal with different scenarios. While it’s always best to avoid any negative situation, the training does give us the ability to protect ourselves when the need arises.

Krav Maga is suitable for all women, especially since we are generally smaller in build and physically weaker than men.

From learning to break free from a wrist grab to releasing myself from a potentially life-threatening choke, Krav Maga equips me with the skills to face such situations head-on and without hesitation.

In fact, I love every aspect of the training, and the most enjoyable times for me are when I have to push myself beyond my perceived limits.

It has greatly improved other qualities in my life as well, like perseverance, determination, self-control and goal setting. Even my mindset has changed. I no longer feel that I’m perceived as an easy target.

Krav Maga Culture is at #02-02 Upper Serangoon Shopping Centre.

Visit Kmg Website, e-mail or call 6282-2721 for more information.