Sake Up Your Situation

Feeling fed up with life? Read on to discover whether you’re truly unhappy, or just need to shake things up.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Feeling fed up with life? Read on to discover whether you’re truly unhappy, or just need to shake things up.

You neglect work responsibilities even though you know they’re important.

Why it happens: This subconscious selfsabotage indicates that you’re just a bit “over” your current life.

Shake it up! “Try to recall why you took on the responsibilities in the first place and the positive feelings associated with them. If you’ve outgrown your role, seek out new challenges that can help you develop as a person,” suggests Julia Ng, a professional certified coach and principal coach at Frameworks

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You can’t attain your long-term goals.

Why it happens: You lack self-discipline and determination.

Shake it up! “Practise delayed gratification by saying ‘no’ to short-term temptations. Keep track of your progress by setting a timeline with interim milestones and make a list of actionable plans,” says Julia. So, for example, if you want to try yoga, sign up for a course where you have to pay in advance. Each time you tick off a class, reward yourself with a small treat (we’re thinking accessories here!).

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You put things off until the last minute, and are doing things you don’t want to do.

Why it happens: You’re motivated by fear.

Shake it up! “Always ask yourself ‘What or who am I doing this for?’ and make a conscious choice to do things out of love – whether for yourself or others,” advises Julia.

You obsessively scroll through your friends’ Instagram feeds.

Why it happens: A classic case of Instagram addiction coupled with FOMO (fear of missing out). You know it’s unhealthy, but doing it gives you a (false) sense of happiness and belonging.

Shake it up! “Build your personal brand by developing what you’re good at and what you stand for. As you raise your self-confidence, feelings of envy will disappear and you can finally start living the life you want,” says Julia.

You constantly b*tch to your friends.

Why it happens: You feel inferior, crave attention, or desperately need to belong.

Shake it up! “Find out the real reason why you’re gossiping. Chances are you’re projecting your own insecurities onto others,” shares Julia. “Once you’ve resolved them, you’ll stop feeling the need to put someone else down to feel superior or happy.”