Sex Tips From Grannies

Forget croquet, cross-stitch and crosswords – these famous seniors know good sex.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Forget croquet, cross-stitch and crosswords – these famous seniors know good sex.
Corbis/Click Photos
Corbis/Click Photos

Find time

“We make Iove all the time. I take breaks from my chat show to have sex.”Sharon Osbourne, 63, talk show host and satisfied wife of Ozzy

It ain’t a performance

“Men think they have to perform, but it’s much better if they don’t […] There’s nothing better to keep ‘it’ from coming up, thinking, ‘Oh my god, I have to perform’, rather than just getting into it slowly.”Jane Fonda, 77, actress, and the definition of fitspo in the ’80s

My Reading Room


“I’m not afraid of my femininity and I’m not afraid of my sexuality.”Goldie Hawn, 70, the original rom-com queen

LAUGH − it’s not all serious

“I once asked my husband, ‘Why don’t you call out my name when we’re making love?’ [He answered:] ‘Because I don’t want to wake you up.’”The late Joan Rivers, talk-show host and comedian.

Make a friend with benefits

“I still feel like I’m 28. There’s no age limit on the enjoyment of sex. It keeps getting better… You learn to do things with more experience, intelligence and the ability to choose more wisely. I actually have a friend with benefits.”Florence Henderson, 81, Mamma Brady on The Brady Bunch, and her still-active sex life

Keep it clean

“Always take a bath before and after [sex], and don’t forget to brush your teeth.”Martha Stewart, 74, clean-cut American business woman, writer and television personality with an equally clean-cut approach to sexy times.

Take it slow

“[Sex] was hot and spicy. Was it the same as younger-aged sex? No, but in some ways it was better. A quickie for us took an hour!” Joan Price, 71, author of Naked at Our Age on falling in love at 57

Don’t be ashamed

“My mother taught me to not be afraid or ashamed of sex.” Diane von Fürstenberg, 68, fashion designer

Keep it private “Avoid tweeting any photos of your private parts.” Betty White, 93, The Golden Girls alumni and the funniest granny alive

Visualise “If you’re bored with your partner, just imagine Bradley Cooper on top of you – that should do the trick.” Jenny McCarthy, 43, comedian who became a young stepgrandmother at age 37

It doesn’t end “What I know now that I didn’t know when I was 15 is how good and joyful sex can be; how intimate relationships can take many different forms and how older women – and men – are still people with the desires they had when they were young and still hanker for romance, enjoy flirting and sex.” Ita Buttrose, 73, CLEO’s founding editor

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