How to wow at work

Need to make a good impression at the office? Take your nine-to-five to new heights with our tricks of the trade.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Need to make a good impression at the office?
Take your nine-to-five to new heights with our tricks of the trade.
My Reading Room

You may not feel like the most dazzling person in the office – perhaps you’ve been feeling a little tired and are struggling to focus.

But if total career domination is on your to-do list, help is on the way – just follow these key pointers that will bring out your inner girl boss! have a good mindset.

Do you ever wake up, remember all the work you have to do, and feel like you just want to hide under the covers and not come out? That feeling can be overwhelming, but having a “me” moment in the morning to set your intention for the day can help with work stress. It will shift your whole mindset.

Visualise success Successful women don’t wait for an opportunity to present itself: They create it. One of the ways to do this is to harness the power of positive thinking. If you believe you can rise to the top, then you will. It’s as simple as that. Boost your confidence the night before a big presentation with Astalift’s reformulated Bright Lotion for beautiful, translucent skin, so you can focus more on wowing your colleagues and less on what you look like.

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