Time for a Change

The August issue is maybe my favourite one of the year.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

The August issue is maybe my favourite one of the year. 

<b>Photography</b> Alexander Ow.
<b>Photography</b> Alexander Ow.

There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, since it's the month of National Day, I have an excuse to bring up the topic of Merlions. You know when you have a crush on someone, so you bring them up in Every. Freaking. Conversation? That’s how I feel about Merlions. I am the President of the Unofficial Merlion Fan Club and would like to take this moment to say one more time how awesome they are... Thank you for reading this far, even though I mentioned this excellent and majestic creature's name in three sentences in a row. I promise I’m done now.

Which brings me to the far less frivolous, equally inspiring, second reason I love the August issue. It’s where we reveal this year’s Change Makers. These eight women come from all walks of life. Their fields range from competitive swimming to setting up a business that helps the disabled. They climb literal mountains and move figurative ones. And perhaps most importantly, they’re honest about their journeys. Shakespeare said the course of true love never runs smoothly; and I would say this is true in your life’s passions as it is for any relationship.

Each of our Change Makers gave a lot to be where they are. They’ve had three-hour conversations with their parents to reassure them about their career changes. They’ve spent years working on a business, only to have to start again. They’ve had moments when they wanted to give up and, honestly, I think that’s the part of their stories I love most. Because that’s the part that might make you think you can give that one thing another go too…