Sleeping Beauty

How do we love sleeping masks? Let us count the ways…

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

How do we love sleeping masks? Let us count the ways…

Pack, $25.
Innisfree Orchid Sleeping Pack, $25.

When sleeping masks first hit our shores, beauty junkies were sold on the idea that this new-found sleeping skincare aid would leave us with glorious skin the morning after. After all, they’re said to boost our skin’s natural ability to repair and heal itself while we’re asleep. But how do they differ from leave-on masks and intensive moisturisers?

“A sleeping mask is a special weekly care product that serves to repair the skin, whereas a moisturiser is used on a daily basis for hydration and protection of the skin. There are also various types of sleeping masks with different skincare benefits, including anti-ageing, brightening, trouble care and nourishment. Nevertheless, they generally have the common function of aiding skin regeneration overnight,” says Innisfree trainer Dorothy Lim.

So where does Innisfree Orchid Sleeping Pack fit in the realm of sleeping masks? You can count on waking up to a clearer and brighter complexion.

Packed with superior antioxidants from Jeju Orchids, its ultimate aim is to bring your skin closer to a youthful suppleness.

To be used as the last step of your evening skincare regime, the Orchid Sleeping Pack harnesses the potent benefits of Orchid Elixir, betaine and night oil complex to help reverse damage caused by sun exposure, pollution and free radicals. It has a jelly-like texture that wraps the skin with nourishment, leaving skin firmer, smoother and more radiant the next morning.

Dorothy answers all your sleeping mask FAQs.

Can I skip moisturiser if I use a sleeping mask?

Yes, especially if the sleeping mask provides adequate hydration for your skin.

When do I need this product? 

When your skin is in need of some TLC after a tiring work week, or feels a little dryer than normal.

Can I use it every day?

We recommend using the sleeping mask two to three times a week. Generally, the effect of a mask product lasts for about two to three days after application. If a mask is used daily, we recommend alternating between different types of masks, such as clay masks, sheet masks, sleeping masks, and wash-off packs for optimal results.

What’s the best way to use a sleeping mask?

As the last step of your evening skincare regime, it should be applied over the face and neck area. The usage amount can be 1.5 times the amount of your moisturiser (which is the size of a 50cent coin). Gently massage to enhance blood circulation for better absorption. 

Still-life Photography Nyen.