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The novel design and unique technology of the 150 are also presented in an entirely innovative way. By Angelo Colombo.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

The novel design and unique technology of the 150 are also presented in an entirely innovative way. By Angelo Colombo.

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INNOVATIVE ITALIAN YACHT-BUILDER WIDER has been followed by the industry and buyers from its beginnings because when the very well-known Tilli Antonelli created this company in 2010, he based it on a simple idea: write a new story in the yachting industry.

Wider was established with a clear mandate to redefine the yachting industry with new projects, but new means revolutionary in this case. Antonelli was the former president of Pershing, a long professional story that goes back to the first boat produced by Pershing in 1985.

He was one of the creators of this revolutionary brand, one so appreciated by the market that after more than 30 years is still based on the same ideas – with new design elements such as new engines and systems – but still the same much-appreciated concept.

Antonelli likes to write the yachting industry’s story following his ideas – sometimes described as crazy – but the Pershing and Wider histories say that crazy for some means revolutionary for many others. When Wider revealed the first project named Wider 42 in 2010, there was an immediate feeling that there was a new way to think about these kinds of boats, and thanks to the friendliness of Antonelli, it was clear that only he knew what the future would hold for Wider.

“You will see something that you cannot imagine now, give me just the time to make it possible in all the ways and you will see something very special,” Antonelli said in 2010.

In 2013, the phone rang and Antonelli extended an invitation to visit the yard in Ancona where Wider realised the 150ft Genesi, and it was only then that we began to understand how revolutionary the boat was that had long been inside Antonelli’s mind.

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Everything is new, special, custom and technologically state of the art aboard Genesi. This includes the interior layout, which benefits from the space left free by using a different propulsion solution. The exterior layout benefits from a modern solution to be transformed in a few seconds to offer new opportunities for living at sea.

The propulsion system is without engines, only generators at the bow and electric pods… and much more that is difficult to describe but the pictures should help make it clear that this yacht is very revolutionary.

There are some leitmotiv that can normally be found aboard recent yachts, for example the increase in volume at the same length, the Owner’s contact with the sea and low environmental impact. Aboard Genesi, all of these important points are present in a total new way.

Wider in the description documents shows seven points as main characteristics of this project – the beach area of 90sqm with a swimming pool is the biggest in the competitive sector, a 32ft Wider tender that is easy to launch in comfort and safety while offering the Owner many different way to use it when the yacht is at anchor.

The tender slip transforms into a big pool and the sides of the yacht can be extended in a mooring area. The Owner’s suite is 75sqm with a 5.6sqm retractable terrace. There are many outdoor areas that can be totally open or in the shade thanks to the retractable roof on the foredeck that can slide up or down by pushing a button.

The ultramodern bridge made by Team Italia allows the Captain to keep everything under control in a totally safe and efficient way – including the special electronic systems for propulsion, stabilisation and so on. The helm station can monitor any system – from the four generators to the batteries to the single system used for the airconditioning passing.

The helm’s touchscreens can be used vertically, or tilted at 45 degrees or other angles depending on light and Captain’s choice. Another great feature of the bridge is the slide-out Captain’s chair that does not touch the floor while going in or out (thus no tracks in the floor).

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The diesel-electric propulsion combined with Azimuth pods make Genesi the first yacht of this size to be equipped with the system, and provides the ability to run for a full night or at anchor using only battery power without noise, vibration, smoke or smell.

The first show where the Wider 150 appeared was the Cannes Yachting Festival in September, although she was moored outside the harbour. A few weeks later, Genesi was open to the public at the Genova International Boat Show and at the Monaco Yacht Show, Genesi received the prestigious MYS/RINA award for its ecofriendliness from the Italian classification company, RINA. It has won many other awards since then, too.

The construction process for the assembly of the Wider 150’s aluminium uses a modern system that allows the yard to obtain a perfect surface that does not require specialised heavy works to make it perfect at the end. This mean less weight, perfect surfaces and easy maintenance in the yacht’s life – not a minor point. Wider also had the opportunity to work with some of the most efficient workers for interiors, finishing and systems – obtaining a very high standard of quality even in the parts of the yacht normally ignored by the Owner and guests. Aboard Genesi, everything is top quality in terms of material selection and manufacture.

But until now the designer that, with Mr. Antonelli, share the long story of their presence on this industry with a huge number of success boats. We are talking about Fulvio De Simoni, who created the lines of this yacht and the others made by Wider – as well as all Pershings from the beginning to now.

For the Wider 150, De Simoni creates new areas to enjoy the sea life as well as new way to live on the yacht during navigation, in the ports or at anchor. Wide windows mean that in any part of the yacht, you can keep an eye to the sea, look at the stern or sides as well as forward at the bow. This relationship with the natural elements is a fundamental priority for the development of this unique project and is possible to perceive it in any part of the yacht including the crew area, which offers the professionals on board a high standard of life quality even during very long transfers or cruises.

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For the interior, the architects Davide Bernardini and Alessio Battistini created the décor choosing all the elements, colours and position of any part of the final result. “This project was born to be different from any other, offering a unique space and light sensation,” they say. “Not an easy job, because we had to manage many new things we never saw before on a yacht, but in the meantime it was easier thanks to the big areas we have on board destined to night and day life for Owner and guests.

“Something unusual on yachts of this size, the special propulsion system leaves a huge space free at the stern. Everything aboard Genesi is created to offer total comfort to Owner and guests and we had the opportunity to work with a fantastic team who allowed us to create everything as we imagine at the beginning.

“An unconventional design realised with special works on woods, leathers and many other materials used to combine the warm sensation in the interior with the colours of the sea. We are very proud of this project and for the special result we obtain with it thanks to a very high standard yard and workers group.”

“From the original idea we had in mind to create a real new yacht, not new because it’s different in shape and stop, but new because it is able to set the point of the new way for yachting, where comfort, fuel consumption, technology for safety and possibility to live on the yacht in many different ways mean new in all the ways,” says Antonelli That’s what we had in mind when we start to work on it, that’s what I think we were able to create thanks to a very special team of designers, engineers, workers and companies that followed us in the evolution process of this project since the first day. I’m very proud of this yacht and I’m very proud to say that Wider was understood from the market and now we are working hard to satisfy the recent requests we receive, but for now I can not say more. I will inform you and your readers about it for sure, with the presentation of something new, not as new as Genesi concept was perceived on the market last year, but following this project new in terms of dimension and for sure also in terms of technologic news, we never stop the research programmes.”

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Cruising aboard Genesi is a really new sensation, even for those who have sailed on many motoryachts. At 12 knots without the smallest vibrations or noise in the interior or the exterior is something unique – looking around you feel at home in the sea, in silence.

In December, Wider announced it sold Genesi to a Canadian buyer and the company’s programme will go forward as Antonelli revealed just a couple of months before. There certainly will be more news from Wider in the near future and it will likely need more production space in Ancona because of recent orders and builds that include the 165 and 125 models.

The 150 is real diesel-electric yacht with a revolutionary design, a huge amount of interior space and a novel way of creating great comfort aboard a 150ft yacht. After being onboard Genesi, it’s clear the Wider 150 coherently offers all of these aspects. (Hong Kong). (SE Asia).

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Wider 150 Genesi.
LOA 47.05 metres/ 50 feet.
Beam 8.6m.
Draft (full load) 2.2m.
Construction material Aluminium 5083 for hull and superstructure.
Gross Tonnage 484GT.
Displacement (full load) 391 tonnes.
Classification RINA C Malta Cross Hull, Mach Ych Unrestricted Navigation, EFP, AUTO-UMS, (Y), CONF (Y), LY3.
Fuel 45,000 litres.
Water 12,000 litres.
Max speed 14.1 knots.
Cruising speed 13 knots.
Economy cruise speed 10 knots.
Zero-emission mode speed 5 knots.
Electric engines 2 x 531kW elettrici.
Genset 4 x 350 kW.
Battery pack 544 kWh.
Designer Fulvio de Simoni.
Interior Design IdeaItalia e BB/Design.
Naval architecture Wider Engineering e SYDAC
Builder Wider, Ancona