
Eat Right

Fuel your body!

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Fuel your body!

Turn the page to find out how you can enjoy green caviar!
Turn the page to find out how you can enjoy green caviar!
Jewels of the sea.

No, these aren’t mini grapes but green caviar. Also known as sea grapes, this is a type of seaweed that’s found in Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. It’s lauded for its slew of health benefits, which includes strengthening bones and joints, boosting eye and heart health, and preventing thyroid goiters – all thanks to the high protein, calcium, iodine and polyunsaturated fat content. Like other seaweed, it contains fucoidan, a compound with anti-cancer properties. Eat it as a snack or add it to soups, salads and main courses for a hint of natural saltiness. Now available from, from $3 for a 20g serving.