
Choose superpower foods

You know you need healthy carbs and protein to fuel your workouts and feed your muscles.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
You know you need healthy carbs and protein to fuel your workouts and feed your muscles.
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But getting the right vitamins, minerals and amino acids can make you even stronger. Rev up your results with the following foods, says registered dietitian Pamela Nisevich Bede, who owns sports nutrition counseling company Swim, Bike, Run, Eat!


When you lift weights, you break down muscle. Then your body rebuilds that muscle and makes it stronger. The amino acid leucine, found in whey protein powder, jump-starts the process, Pamela says. Blend a scoop of whey powder with milk – another great source of leucine – and fresh or frozen fruit.


Red blood cells carry oxygen to your muscles, which need iron to stay healthy.

If you’re deficient in the mineral (as many women are), your workouts will feel harder, Pamela says. Beef and leafy greens are both good sources of iron. (You can also get a day’s worth of it from fortified breakfast cereals.)


The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon and other fatty fish help prevent inflammation, so they’ll help you feel less joint and muscle pain after a tough exercise session. Plus, studies show that these fats may aid in building muscle tissue.