Train like a fighter and you’ll not only sculpt a knockout body but also tap the powerful feel of rock-solid confidence.

Train like a fighter and you’ll not only sculpt a knockout body but also tap the powerful feel of rock-solid confidence.
If there’s a workout that can make your whole body lean and mean in record time, it’s boxing. No wonder more and more studios are turning to the mixed martial arts (MMA) magic.
Now, Reebok is partnering with the largest MMA company in the world, Ultimate Fighting Championship, and some of the most influential MMA gyms on earth to make it more mainstream than ever.
“Boxing requires power and endurance, working every single muscle, which is why it cuts fat fast,” says Eric Kelly, a boxing coach at Gleason’s Gym and Reebok Combat Training coach (he trains the brand’s athletes, ambassadors and staff in all things combat). “It’s the total package.” After all, each punch you throw is strengthening and sculpting you from your shoulders to your calves.

LEARN THE LINGO A combat sport is any activity where you won’t get penalised for punching someone in the face. MMA involves a little bit of everything, including elbows and take downs. Boxing is mainly the art of self-defence. And kick boxing is boxing plus kicking (makes sense, right?).