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Our trusty mechanical engineer is here to help these motorists who are faced with car suspension issues.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Our trusty mechanical engineer is here to help these motorists who are faced with car suspension issues.

I changed my car’s front suspension a few months ago. Recently, my mechanic told me that the front tyres are wearing out unevenly – the inner portion is wearing out faster than the outer portion. 

I am not sure if this uneven wear occurred before or after the suspension change. Which do you think is more likely and what should I do about it?

Uneven tyre wear is, without doubt, due to incorrect suspension alignment settings. 

The workshop that replaced your front suspension would have dismantled a number of components in the process. 

When front suspension work is completed, it is mandatory to realign the front wheels to original specifications.

Having said that, it is possible that the inner tyre-wear began before your suspension renewal. But the workshop which did the work would be able to provide the wheel alignment report, if indeed it was carried out immediately after the suspension was reassembled. 

If realignment was not carried out, you must send your car to a tyre shop that is equipped to measure and reset your car’s front wheel alignment. 

If the inner tread of the front tyres is badly worn, it would be advisable to replace both front tyres.

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My five-year-old Toyota Camry has been behaving strangely lately. 

Every time I accelerate, the car tends to veer left. More seriously, when I am in the middle of a road curve and I ease off the accelerator pedal midway, the car feels as if it wants to steer right. It is very unnerving. 

I have not done any repairs to the suspension. One workshop suggested that I replace the suspension. I do not know what that means or whether it will solve my instability issues. Is it a problem with the steering?

The problem you have is not really a serious one, but like any that concerns dynamic stability, you should have it rectified. 

A wayward behaviour when you accelerate or decelerate is caused by an uneven distribution of torque to the front wheels in any front-wheel- drive car. This is usually linked to improper wheel alignment. 

But before you send the car for a re-alignment, make sure the tyres are in good condition and the tyre pressures are correct. Uneven pressures in the front tyres can also cause what you are experiencing. 

If the symptom persists, then a professional wheel alignment service is necessary. 

A diligent workshop may discover a worn-out front suspension linkage, busted dampers or even defective tyres that are contributing to the problem. If that is so, replacing suspension components may be required. 


My Reading Room

Suspension components are subjected to wear and tear, so they need to be serviced, repaired or replaced from time to time. 

I notice a soft growling sound which seems to come from my Honda Civic’s suspension. It gets louder when I steer left, even if it is a very gentle turn. Strangely, it disappears when I turn right. 

The car has clocked more than 55,000 kilometres and is serviced regularly. It has no other problems. 

Steering left while on the move loads up the right side of your car because the body leans to the right. 

The fact that the sound gets louder when you steer left immediately suggests that the source of the noise is the right- hand front or rear suspension. 

Specifically, from your description, the problem lies with the wheel bearing. 

It might be the front or the rear wheel, but I suggest you replace all four wheel bearings. 

The cost is not prohibitively high and it is, in any case, a routine-maintenance step that will prevent future problems with the suspension.