Are you expecting too much from your little one?

Are you expecting too much from your little one?
It’s only natural that you want your toddler to be well-behaved, to cooperate with you, to be sociable with others and to do exactly as you ask of him.
For example, you’d love him to sit quietly in his stroller while you wander round the mall. You’d be delighted if he ate all his lunch without complaining. You’d be over the moon if he didn’t have a tantrum every time you tell him he can’t have his own way.
Instead, he makes up his own mind on these matters, so his behaviour may not meet your expectations.
First, ask yourself these questions:
What do I base my expectations on? You develop your ideas about bringing up your kid from a range of sources, including your childhood experiences, magazines, websites and other parents. And you’ll have already discovered wide variations about the way a tot should behave. There is no single set of rules that applies to all.