There are some vegetables that kids just hate. How do you get them to eat them? MICHELLE TCHEA offers yummy ideas.

Broccoli lightly tossed in garlic and a balsamic glaze may sound wonderful to you but, chances are, your picky eater will turn up her nose at it. The fact is, children have different palates from adults. So when it comes to enticing them to eat vegetables, you need to be smart – and, sometimes, sneaky. Here’s how.
Why it’s healthy Packed with loads of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as fibre, broccoli probably has a bad reputation because it can be easily overcooked, making it mushy. Besides anti-cancer properties, just half a cup supplies 2.6g of fibre, which is 14 per cent of the 19 grams that a toddler needs each day. Fibre keeps your child’s digestive system working properly, so she has regular bowel movements and is less likely to become constipated. The same serving of broccoli provides about 50mg of vitamin C, which is more than she needs for the entire day. Vitamin C helps boost the immune system and ward off infection.
Cook it better Slapping a plain side of steamed broccoli in front of your child isn’t going to win her over, so use delicious toppings and get creative. Some kid favourites include making mac and cheese with broccoli and pasta. A favourite recipe of mine is cooked broccoli that’s lightly mixed with cheese and ham, which I wrap up in phyllo pastry and bake. It makes a great afternoon snack, too. Chopped almonds or walnuts add vitamin E and protein to the broccoli, and most children like the crunchy texture of the nuts. Freshly grated ginger and a splash of soya sauce add an Asian flavour.
YP’s tip Encourage your child to prepare and cook it; she’s more likely to eat it if she had a hand in the preparation. Show her how to break up the florets and call them “trees” to create a sense of fun. If she still resists eating it, add tiny pieces to soups or rice, or even consider serving it with your favourite yogurt dip to encourage a new enjoyable way to eat her “trees”.
Children have different palates from adults. So when it comes to enticing them to eat vegetables, you need to be smart – and sneaky.
Why it’s healthy A good source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – especially eaten raw – it strengthens the immune system, and is considered a remedy for digestive problems and respiratory conditions.
Cook it better Despite its strong flavour, it becomes neutral in taste when cooked in stews and soups, so saute onions, carrots and celery as the base to your soups and stews. Offer it raw, but stuff healthy dips and spreads into the cavity – peanut butter, yogurt with boiled eggs or even raisins with low fat mayo are kid-friendly options. If your child still finds it difficult to eat, try juicing it with apples for a fun drink after school.
YP’s tip Celery is one of those vegetables that spoils rapidly, so always buy it fresh.
Why it’s healthy Even adults don’t take to this, but eating it is worth the effort. Rich in vitamin C, it protects cells from free radicals, which can lead to cancer and heart disease. Bitter gourd also boosts her intake of vitamin A, which plays a role in cell communication and aids in new cell growth and development. It also supports healthy eyes.
Cook it better Slice in half and remove the inner seeds and pith with a spoon. Parboil it before running under cold water and using in stir-fries to remove the strong, bitter flavour. A great recipe is to stuff bitter gourd with minced pork or chicken, and stew in soya sauce and a splash of water. Serve with warm rice for a delicious meal that’s not bitter at all.
YP’s tip Try scooping out more of the flesh if it is very bitter and white. Bitter gourd is also delicious as a refreshing salad for kids. Parboil and lightly toss in some sugar and vinegar to remove the bitter taste.
Why it’s healthy There are a lot of reasons to love this trendy vegetable – it’s high in vitamin A, C and calcium, as well as fibre. While it’s not as rich in calcium as dairy products, it does contribute to your little one’s daily calcium intake for strong bones.
Cook it better Stir it into pastas or stews to add extra nutrients. Some favourite kid-friendly recipes are kale smoothies and kale pops: Blend kale, coconut water and pineapple together, and freeze for a summery afternoon snack. Coconut water has dehydration-fighting electrolytes, while pineapple is rich in digestive enzymes.
YP’s tip The best way to cook it is to separate both the stems and the leaves and use them in different recipes. Turn the leaves into delicious kale chips by roasting them in a low-heat oven until crispy – just make sure they are completely dry before roasting or they will turn limp.
Why it’s healthy Could this be one of the most hated vegetables around? When steamed or boiled, they give off a smelly odour. Not only are Brussels sprouts a good source of protein, iron and potassium, they are also rich in vitamin C and fibre, as well as antioxidants.
Cook it better Try not to overcook them and your kids will love them. Lightly toss in olive oil and bake in a hot oven to make “chips”. For more flavour, lightly saute with bacon and throw in a handful of raisins for sweetness.
YP’s tip Take your kids to vegetable farms or markets and show them stalks of fresh sprouts. Call them baby lettuce or little cabbages to get your young ones interested in this superfood.

Why it’s healthy Despite their small size, these contain concentrated amounts of calcium, as well as vitamins K and C. The former helps with blood clotting. Alfalfa sprouts are one of the most significant dietary sources of phytoestrogens, which are beneficial compounds in plant foods that can help reduce your child’s risk of heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis.
Cook it better Be sure to rinse them with cold water before eating. Try adding them to your kid’s favourite salad or even using them to make funny faces, or as the “hair” for face sandwiches. Add them to a pita stuffed with hummus and tomatoes. Top a serving of pasta or bean salad with alfalfa sprouts to enhance the flavour and add key nutrients. One of my favourite recipes is grilled cheese and ham toast, topped with a small bunch of alfalfa sprouts. Vietnamese spring rolls are also great alternative. Lightly soak wrappers in warm water until easily pliable. Add Chinese noodles, prawns or even pork, as well as extra lettuce and alfalfa sprouts. Roll up and serve with your child’s favourite dipping sauce.
YP’s tip Alfalfa sprouts are easy to grow at home in a container, which encourages your kids to nurture the plant and enjoy the science behind it as well.
more greens, please
Want your kid to eat more vegetables? Follow these tips from professor Ruth Chan and dietitian Suey Yeung, both from the department of medicine and therapeutics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong:
• Be a good role model by eating vegetables with your children.
• Get them involved in shopping, cleaning, peeling or cutting up vegetables to increase their exposure and interest.
• Don’t worry if they reject it again and again – you may have to offer it eight to 15 times before they accept a new food item.
• Get creative. Cook vegetables in different ways, such as cutting them into different shapes.
• Monitor their growth and talk to your paediatrician if you think they need a nutritional supplement.