The perfect mother’s day

A mum can dream, can’t she? NEIL HUMPHREYS takes a look at what mothers wish would happen, and what really transpires.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
My Reading Room

A mum can dream, can’t she? NEIL HUMPHREYS takes a look at what mothers wish would happen, and what really transpires.

YOUR WISH Breakfast in bed with the kids.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS The toast gets burnt, there’s smoke coming from the kitchen and a fireman wishes you Happy Mother’s Day.

YOUR WISH Enjoy a long lie-in.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS The kids wake you at dawn to tell you what a relaxing day you’re going to have.

YOUR WISH A bouquet of fresh, hand-picked flowers.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS The kids return with clumps of grass pulled from the community garden.

YOUR WISH A fancy package at a luxury spa resort.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS The kids buy you a bottle of bubble bath.

YOUR WISH A homemade gift produced by your beautiful baby.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS Your beautiful baby hands you a diaper that needs changing.

YOUR WISH A relaxing weekend away at an exclusive beach resort.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS You visit East Coast Park.

YOUR WISH A family day outdoors, savouring Singapore’s greenery.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS Your husband organises a trip to the golf course.

YOUR WISH A day out to an expensive, branded outlet.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS The kids take you to Universal Studios.

YOUR WISH Gold class tickets to see a movie and experience real VIP comfort.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS You watch TV at home and the kids give you an extra cushion.

YOUR WISH A candlelit dinner at a famous restaurant.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS There’s a blackout as you’re enjoying your Happy Meal.

YOUR WISH A lazy Sunday and then a massage to iron out the kinks.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS A mad Sunday and then you iron the kids’ school uniforms.