Couples reveal the different ways they met – at a class reunion, over spilt coffee… and thanks to a feather boa.

Couples reveal the different ways they met – at a class reunion, over spilt coffee… and thanks to a feather boa.

Daniel Lim, 38, entrepreneur: “Tamara was visiting Singapore from New Zealand and a friend of ours suggested she stay in my guest room, to save on hotel expenses. She was shy and awkward at first, but once we got to know each other, I realised that we had plenty in common. She ditched her travel itinerary and I took her all over the island; we even travelled to Malaysia. We’re dating now, but it’s long-distance until we can figure out a way for one of us to move to where the other is.”
Tamara Baker, 33, teacher: “I never imagined I’d fall in love while on holiday.”
Eileen Yeo, 37, business owner: “Kelvin and I met in school when we were nine. He looked really ‘blur’ to me back then. Ten years later, we met again at a class reunion. I recognised him right away and this time, I was super-impressed by his attentiveness, wit and humour.”
Kelvin Lim, 37, banker: “At our reunion, I didn’t recognise her, because she had changed quite a bit. Once I did, there was no looking back – I wanted to keep hanging out with her, and eventually, we got married.
Michael Ang, 41, events director: “I was at a cafe with friends when Rachel walked by my table and accidentally spilt her drink all over my new shoes. I was not happy at all! She apologised profusely and offered to buy me a new pair of sneakers but I told her it was okay. However, I did insist that she let me take her out for dinner that same evening, and she agreed.”
Rachel Lim, 38, advertising executive: “We’ve been a couple for about five months now!”
Sheila Kam, 31, fashion merchandiser: “I wore a hot-pink feather boa to a party and Raymond paid me a compliment. I thought he was a little weird – for the first five minutes, all he could talk about was my feather boa. But he was funny and smart, and by the end of the night, we had exchanged phone numbers.”
Raymond Chia, 29, self-employed: “To be honest, I didn’t notice her face at first, just the feather boa! When we spoke, I discovered we had a lot in common. We’ve been dating for about a year now.”