This Month… Wish Others Well

This is one of the very good months for the year. Your luck is super good, so take this opportunity to take bigger steps and extend your reach at your work. Wealth luck is fantastic, but don’t be greedy.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2005•1993 •1981•1969•1957•1945.

There is a fog ahead of you, so be patient and plan every step forward carefully. Stress levels will be high, but lay low and work hard. Avoid buying big ticket items. If you’re single, send the correct love signals out, or it could potentially create many unnecessary misunderstandings. Things will be in place, and you can expect good results from work. Work hard and you will not be disappointed. Money luck is good: Make other investments if you have already done your homework. Relationship luck is good too, and you will have many happy moments this month. This is one of the very good months for the year. Your luck is super good, so take this opportunity to take bigger steps and extend your reach at your work. Wealth luck is fantastic, but don’t be greedy. Be careful when climbing up to high places. Relationships are also very positive this month.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2006•1994 •1982•1970•1958•1946.

There won’t be any major breakthroughs this month, which will be stable and quiet. Just watch out for malicious characters spreading rumours behind your back. Avoid speculative investments, as your money luck is very weak. When travelling overseas, do be careful of your personal safety.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2007•1995 •1983•1971•1959•1947.

Work will have some obstacles or even stoppages, so try to resolve any work conflict amicably. Be flexible and evolve with time and technology – don’t be stubborn in your ways. Beware of people stealing your money. Your relationship may have many conflicts, so resolve your differences.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2008•1996 •1984•1972•1960•1948.

There are many uncertainties in this month, and you will need to be very focused at work to tackle the issues effectively. Wealth luck is low, so do not gamble. Many sleepless nights may cause you to be more temperamental than usual, so control yourself when dealing with your partner.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2009•1997 •1985•1973•1961•1949.

Your luck is good for work, and you will have many people supporting your ideas. It’s time for you to grow and take bigger steps forward. Stay focused and you will get what you want at work. Wealth luck is good this month, too. Avoid too much entertainment, as it may hurt your relationship.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2010•1998 •1986•1974•1962•1950.

Many things will go against you this month, so be patient and avoid direct conflict as much as you can. Wealth luck is poor, so do not invest. Health is weak, so take more precautions towards flu and colds. There might be unpleasant rumours about your relationship, so learn to forgive and let go.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2011•1999 •1987•1975•1963•1951.

When handling any legal documents, be cautious and read between the lines clearly before signing them, as you are vulnerable to law-related issues this month. Wealth luck is poor and you will need to watch your budget closely. Relationships may have minor friction, so be more calm and patient.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2000•1988 •1976•1964•1952•1940.

Things are getting brighter: Be patient, and you will see more good things after the first half of the month. There will still be some rumours and conflicts surrounding you. Try to solve things amicably. Be conservative with your spending, and truthful towards your loved ones.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2001•1989 •1977•1965•1953•1941.

It’s a wonderful month for you, all obstacles will clear and conflicts will be resolved. Take this opportunity to do more; don’t waste this great chance to step up. Wealth luck is strong, but don’t be too greedy in your investments. Relationships will have some important and beneficial changes!

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2002•1990 •1978•1966•1954•1942.

Whatever obstacles you face, consider how to go around them instead of facing them head-on. There will unwanted conflicts, but lay low and avoid confrontation. Wealth luck is poor, so do not invest and avoid overspending. Your love life is good, so plan some enjoyable time together.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2003•1991 •1979•1967•1955•1943.

There is a fog ahead of you, so be patient and plan every step forward carefully. Stress levels will be high, but lay low and work hard. Avoid buying big ticket items. If you’re single, send the correct love signals out, or it could potentially create many unnecessary misunderstandings.

My Reading Room

Year of birth: 2004•1992 •1980•1968•1956•1944.

Things will be in place, and you can expect good results from work. Work hard and you will not be disappointed. Money luck is good: Make other investments if you have already done your homework. Relationship luck is good too, and you will have many happy moments this month.


My Reading Room

Monkeys like Jessica Henwick. The English actor of Singaporean descent, is turning heads with her works in Netflix’s new TV series, Iron Fist, psychological thriller Fortitude and upcoming miniseries The Defenders.

My Reading Room

Pigs like Kendall Jenner. Her home was robbed in mid-March, and she lost close to US$200,000 worth of her personal belongings. Following this unfortunate incident, Kendall also reportedly fired one of her personal security guards.


We reap what we sow, so what kind of seeds will you plant today? Everything we do, say, and think is part of the seeds that we sow. Start by wishing others well whenever you are being challenged, and send love and gratitude their way. This will shift your energy towards happiness.

Auspicious Dates 1st, 3rd, 7th, 9th, 10th, 14th, 22nd, 23rd, 26th.

Inauspicious Dates 4th, 12th, 16th, 24th, 28th.

Written by Master Chuan / email: / Website: / Illustrations: / Photos: TPG NEWS.