Legit Advice From A Pro Dating Coach

Want better luck at finding love? Dolly Chua, Chief Matchmaker at local dating agency GaiGai, shares her top tips.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Want better luck at finding love? Dolly Chua, Chief Matchmaker at local dating agency GaiGai, shares her top tips. 

My Reading Room

Make a list 

“It’s important to do some self-reflection so you have a clearer picture of your own personality traits. This will help you determine the kind of partner that will complement you. You can make a list of the values and qualities you want in a partner, but be mindful that the list should act like a guide, not a checklist.” 

Remain open-minded 

“When you’re too quick to reject someone, you create missed opportunities. Take the time to reconsider someone you might have previously said ‘no’ to. In my experience, a lot of people end up being with someone they previously weren’t open to dating.” 

Look out for common interests 

“If you’ve been going for people who are very different from you, try interacting with someone you share common interests with for a change. It’s been proven that similarities bind two people together for the long haul. The more things you have in common, such as shared beliefs and lifestyle preferences, the better.” 

Leave an air of mystery 

“If you’re feeling nervous, tell yourself to calm down and allow the other party to lead the conversation. Don’t rattle on non-stop and overshare! Enjoy the process of getting to know each other slowly.” 

Flirt better 

“It’s important that you’re able to flirt well, and you can do so by learning new techniques. The goal is to leave a lasting impression so that your date will be drawn to you.” 

Be proactive 

“Take ownership of your dating journey by making an effort to meet new people and initiating conversations. It’ll also be good to step out of your comfort zone and engage in new activities as you never know who you might meet.” 

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