The Five Types of Non - Boy Friends

They’re not your bae, but they’re not nothing either. We review the five types of guys every single 20-something girl will keep around at some point.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

They’re not your bae, but they’re not nothing either. We review the five types of guys every single 20-something girl will keep around at some point. 

My Reading Room

He is “just a friend”

I know the whole world thinks we’re dating… except we’re not. He kinda has a girlfriend, but they’ve been on super rocky terms lately. Maybe we’re afraid to put a label on things because there’s a chance it might ruin everything. I feel like I have to tread really carefully, but I know I’ll definitely look back on these times fondly.

Most likely to say:

“You’re an amazing girl and any guy would be lucky to have you.”

Boyfriend potential:

My Reading Room
My Reading Room

He is older. Waaaaaay older

He’s not a silver fox (yet), but he’s at least a whole age bracket above. He’s got his own place, knows how to cook a proper meal that doesn’t involve anything instant, and generally got his sh*t together. Unfortunately, his adult-ness has fooled me into thinking he’s ready to settle down. Long story short – he’s not. Not with me anyway. It’s a bitter pill best swallowed with two bottles of wine, but that’s the reality of the situation.

Most likely to say:

“Don’t worry, it’ll pass. When I was your age…”

Boyfriend potential:

My Reading Room
My Reading Room

He only calls me when he’s drunk

Initially, I was intrigued by him because he likes most of my Instagram posts and lurks on my Instagram Stories. But I soon realised he never actually talks to me till after all the clubs are closed and he finds himself alone at the end of the night. Which is a pity, because I kinda like him, but it sucks to know I’ll never be anything more than a booty call to him.

Most likely to say:

“I know it’s already 3am, but are you out tonight? Wanna come over?”

Boyfriend potential:

My Reading Room
My Reading Room

He is so damn hot!

The good news is, I’m physically attracted to him. The bad news is, I’m only physically attracted to him. He drinks too much, has a reputation for being a f*ckboi, and never seems to take anything seriously. There’s an off-chance he might turn out to be a reformed bad boy, but the odds are not in my favour. He’s not the kind of guy I see myself with, but now that he’s in my life, I might as well enjoy the ride. *Wink*

Most likely to say:

“Wanna go for a staycation this weekend?”

Boyfriend potential:

My Reading Room
My Reading Room

He treats me really nicely (I think)

Compared to that last a-hole I dated, this guy is the perfect gentleman and my friends think I should keep him around for a while. He ticks all the boxes, except for one major factor: I just don’t see him as a potential love interest. It’s hard to tell this guy I’m just not that into him, but hey, I don’t want to waste anyone’s time too. Maybe I should just rip off the band-aid?

Most likely to say:

“Come on, you’ve had a tough day. Let’s just head out for a drink.”

Boyfriend potential:

My Reading Room

Images Text Sophie Hong.