It might seem like your mom’s life mission is to embarrass you, but 27-year-old Kate Siegel’s Jewish mother is on a whole other level. She started uploading their texts on Instagram @CrazyJewishMom, that soon became Insta-famous. You know what they say: when life hands you lemons, turn it into an Internet sensation.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
It might seem like your mom’s life mission is to embarrass you, but 27-year-old Kate Siegel’s Jewish mother is on a whole other level. She started uploading their texts on Instagram @CrazyJewishMom, that soon became Insta-famous. You know what they say: when life hands you lemons, turn it into an Internet sensation.
My Reading Room

CLEO: What’s the best advice your mother has given you?

Kate: “’STD Testing before sexting!’ – she thinks sexting means sex.”

CLEO: How is she dealing with her Internet fame?

Kate: With sunglasses and big hats! I don’t think it’s really fazed her though. She loves talking to people, so if someone recognises her on the street, I think she just has fun with it!

CLEO: What’s the craziest thing your mother has ever done?

Kate: I mean, I literally wrote a book about all the crazy things she does, because there are thousands to choose from! The craziest? Maybe the fact that she wrote pornos when she first moved out to LA to pay the rent? They were produced too! She doesn’t remember her “porn name”, but she does remember the title of one of them: The Bionic Tool.

CLEO: Have you ever gotten into trouble with your mother before, because you said something sassy back to her?

Kate: Big time. High school was a war zone.

CLEO: What kind of mum do you think you’ll be in the future?

Kate: Yeah, I’ve fully resigned myself to the fact that I’m turning into her. I will definitely be a crazy Jewish mom.

Mother, Can You Not? is a collection of essays by Kate Siegel about her life with her crazy Jewish mom. Retails for $31.95 at all good bookstores.
Mother, Can You Not? is a collection of essays by Kate Siegel about her life with her crazy Jewish mom. Retails for $31.95 at all good bookstores.
My Reading Room
by Sebastian Sim
by Sebastian Sim

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A bumper crop of exciting new Singaporean fiction is hitting bookshelves, thanks to Epigram Books and their annual fiction prize. This finalist for last year’s prize tells the story of Gimme Lao – a boy who’s born on the nation’s day of independence, unlucky in many ways, but ultimately groomed for success within our meritocratic society. Laced with sardonic humour that will make you LOL, the debut English novel from Sebastian Sim doesn’t bang you over the head with its themes of ambition, race, class, and fate, but are woven in masterfully, drawing you deeper into the world of Gimme and his idiosyncratic family. Funny and thought-provoking

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