Blame It On The Al-al-al-alcohol

How much alcohol should you drink to be at your sexiest? Science says it’s one large glass of wine.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
How much alcohol should you drink to be at your sexiest? Science says it’s one large glass of wine.
Corbis/Click Photos
Corbis/Click Photos

We all know that the plastered look is less-than-sexy, but did you know that drinking a moderate amount of alcohol can leave you looking more attractive to the opposite sex?

In a study titled “Alcohol and Alcholism”, researchers from the University of Oxford photographed sober students in neutral expressions, and then photographed them after drinking 250ml of wine (about a third of a bottle), and after 500ml of wine. The researchers then presented the three different head shots to a separate group of students who were told to rate them according to attractiveness. The result? The majority of them rated the head shots of those who drank 250ml as the most attractive.

What gives? Here’s what we think: having a bit of alcohol in your system relaxes your muscles and gives you a healthy, rosy glow. But going over that limit could make your eyes look sleepy, and cause you to lose control over your facial muscles (we’re guessing that’s how the term sh*t-faced came about). Looks like there’s one more reason to drink in moderation.

More: alcohol