Over 400 guests from 35 countries including China, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore attended the exclusive MCY 96 premiere in Venice, which included cocktails and dinner in an historic venue on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Over 400 guests from 35 countries including China, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore attended the exclusive MCY 96 premiere in Venice, which included cocktails and dinner in an historic venue on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore.

1. Guests from Thailand arrive
2. The beautiful setting within San Giorgio Maggiore
2. The beautiful setting within San Giorgio Maggiore
3. Many guests posed for photos upon arrival
3. Many guests posed for photos upon arrival
4. MCY President Carla Demaria enjoying herself
4. MCY President Carla Demaria enjoying herself
5. Gael Burlot, Ivy Jin (Beneteau Group Asia-Pacific), Xing Yu, Thibault de  Montvalon (Beneteau Group Asia-Pacific) and John Higginson (Asia-Pacific Boating)
5. Gael Burlot, Ivy Jin (Beneteau Group Asia-Pacific), Xing Yu, Thibault de Montvalon (Beneteau Group Asia-Pacific) and John Higginson (Asia-Pacific Boating)
6. Olivier Besson (Asia Yachting) and designer Dan Lenard (Nuvolari-Lenard)
6. Olivier Besson (Asia Yachting) and designer Dan Lenard (Nuvolari-Lenard)
7. Designer Carlo Nuvolari (Nuvolari-Lenard)
7. Designer Carlo Nuvolari (Nuvolari-Lenard)
8. A string quartet provided a classical atmosphere
8. A string quartet provided a classical atmosphere
9. Lorenzo Ronzoni (Isola Creativa Studio), Silvia Amici (Ars Media), and Federico Peruccio and Cristina Malalan of Monte Carlo Yachts
9. Lorenzo Ronzoni (Isola Creativa Studio), Silvia Amici (Ars Media), and Federico Peruccio and Cristina Malalan of Monte Carlo Yachts
10. Renata Mian, Maria Paola Pavan, Ilaria Lenardon, Elena Sieti and Michela Bonzi, all of Monte Carlo Yachts
10. Renata Mian, Maria Paola Pavan, Ilaria Lenardon, Elena Sieti and Michela Bonzi, all of Monte Carlo Yachts