What we’re all talking about this month

Meghan Marvel?
Reports say Meghan has asked her agent to look for a superhero role for her now that she’s left the confines of British royal life, but which cape can she slip on?
Zoe Saldana makes a great Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy, but this is a role Meghan was born to play. As the daughter of a manipulative father, Gamora constantly tries to free herself from Thanos’ wicked ways. It sounds a little like Meghan’s own relationship with her estranged dad, Thomas Markle.
Meghan is pretty recognisable, so if she wants to go incognito as a superhero, perhaps she can opt for a masked heroine. Transformed into a trained killer dubbed X-23, using Wolverine’s DNA, this character turned up in Logan as a teen. We reckon Megs could tackle the role of an older X-23.
An Asgardian goddess, the Enchantress is one of Thor’s greatest enemies. It’d be nice to see the Duchess shed her good-girl image for this seductively evil role. Plus, if Meghan is gunning for a role soon, it could be a perfect fit as the Enchantress could make an appearance in the next Thor movie.
Viewers might go nuts if they see Meghan as Squirrel Girl. That’s because not only she is one of the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel universe, she also has one of the best personalities. She’s a little silly, sure, but that’ll give Meghan plenty to work with when getting into character.
Marvel briefly foreshadowed Spectrum’s origins when she appeared as Carol Danver’s best friend’s niece in the Captain Marvel movie. Meghan could easily fill in this character’s shoes as the older Spectrum because we hear the next film has a 23-year time jump into the future.
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