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3 things you need to know before buying a portable storage device

A quick guide on how to save time, safeguard your data, and protect your files.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

A quick guide on how to save time, safeguard your data, and protect your files.

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SSDs, USBs, Type-Cs, toss these words together and things can get pretty confusing. But here are three things about portable storage that are pretty clear:

• Nobody likes to sit at a computer, waiting for files to slowly … slowly … slowly transfer
• Nobody ever celebrates when their hard disk dies, taking all their files to the other side
• Nobody wants their digital files stolen and exposed to total strangers

Do you know the worse thing about these three problems? They can mostly be prevented. Here’s what you need to know before you buy your next portable storage device so your life will be made easier, not harder, than before.

1 Why you need USB 3.1 in your life

We’ll admit, it’s not easy to keep track of all these standards: from USB 2.0 to 3.0 to 3.1. For most of us, it’s just a USB plug.

But the key difference lies in how much time you spend waiting for things to get done, versus actually getting things done and going on with your life. USB 3.0 gained a significant speed boost from USB 2.0, but while it sounds like a minor update, USB 3.1 actually doubles the maximum transfer rate from USB 3.0, so your files transfer so much faster. If you’re looking to get a portable storage device today, you should definitely hunt for a USB 3.1 device to save time and get your money’s worth.

2 What’s an SSD, and why you should get one?

A solid-state drive (SSD) is nextgeneration storage technology that has more advantages over the older, more common HDD (hard disk drives).

HDDs drives spin platters at anywhere from 5,400 to 7,200 revolutions per minute, and use a magnetic head on a moving arm to read and write data to the platter surface. When you think about how delicate that process is, you understand why most of us have experienced a hard drive failure at some point.

In contrast, SSDs store data on flash memory chips, with no moving mechanical parts. This makes them more resistant to physical shock, quieter to run, are much quicker, able to transfer files faster, and also smaller.

3 Have you ever worried about losing your portable storage?

If you’re just keeping random GIFs on your portable storage, then maybe you don’t need to encrypt it. But if you’re keeping personal data, like photos of your family, or professional data, like financial spreadsheets, then yes, you should encrypt your portable device.

Encrypting a portable storage device locks your data behind a password, so only people with the password can access the data inside. A password doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective, a six-digit passcode already contains one million possible combinations; a six character alphanumeric passcode has more.

You wouldn’t use your smartphone completely unlocked without a PIN. Why wouldn’t you do the same with your portable storage device?

A portable SSD that transfers faster, lasts longer, and stores safer

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1 Based on internal tests using a Samsung 500GB external HDD, actual performance may vary depending on individual system environment.

2 Exact weight of product may vary by capacity.

3 Actual user-accessible internal storage is less than specified total memory due to system files and maintenance use, and may vary depending on drive format, partitioning and computer system.

If you’re looking for your next portable storage device, the new Samsung Portable SSD T3 checks all the right boxes. It comes with a USB 3.1 Type-C connector, uses SSD storage rather than HDD, and has optional AES 256-bit hardware encryption that doesn’t affect performance.

Driven by Samsung’s TurboWrite technology, the T3 can read or write files at up to 450MB/s, which is up to 4x faster than traditional external hard drives. The T3 weighs just 51g2 and is roughly the size of a business card. Samsung V-NAND technology gives it up to a large 2TB3 of storage, which is more storage than what some laptops ship with.

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For more information about the Samsung Portable SSD T3, go to