Stop The Fat Talk

Banish your damaging talk about weight, body shape and size, so you can learn to love yourself

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
My Reading Room

Banish your damaging talk about weight, body shape and size, so you can learn to love yourself.

Change The Conversation

“When you hear yourself or someone saying ‘I feel fat today’, say ‘I love your smile’ or ‘You’re great at bringing people together,’” says Christine Morgan, chief executive of the Butterfly Foundation for Eating Disorders.

Recognise Your Triggers

What starts fat talk for you – is it listening to a friend berate herself or hearing a loved one being critical about your body? Tell people how fat talk makes you feel. Remember there are many body shapes and sizes, and no one shape or size is better.

Celebrate Your Body

Appreciate the many things your body does. Don’t compare it to others, and when you finding yourself saying something negative about your body, turn it into a positive. Instead of saying “I’ve got fat thighs”, think, “I have powerful legs that take me where I need to go.”