Laundering Baby’s clothes the wrong way can leave her more vulnerable to skin sensitivity or trigger an allergy. Here’s what you should know.

Laundering Baby’s clothes the wrong way can leave her more vulnerable to skin sensitivity or trigger an allergy. Here’s what you should know.

Is it safe to use the family’s laundry detergent and fabric softener to wash Baby’s clothes?
If your little one has sensitive skin or you’re worried about irritation or allergies from detergents, it is best to use a detergent or softener with a gentle formula.
These are often labelled “fragrance-free” and “dye-free”. The allergy or sensitivity is often caused by the scents or dyes commonly used in detergents and softeners.
A detergent that is marketed for baby use is usually free of perfumes, colours and preservatives, so it is preferred for your little one’s clothes.
Use only the recommended amount, and consider rinsing clothes twice to ensure all detergent residue is removed.
Can I throw her clothes in with those of other family members?
Yes, if you have chosen detergents and softeners that are free of fragrance, bleach and dye. They can be used to wash everyone’s clothes, including your young child’s. You don’t have to wash them separately.
Baby has a rash! How can I tell if it was caused by the laundry detergent?
Laundry detergents contain substances that can cause two types of skin problems: IRRITATION Red itchy rashes usually occur immediately after contact. With chronic exposure to detergents – for example, hand-washing clothes without gloves over a long period of time – you can become susceptible to itchy, dry, cracked and painful hands due to the irritating effects of detergent.
Fortunately, a true allergy due to detergents is very rare – say, less than 1 percent. It may be a result of the fragrances, dyes or preservatives in detergents, but it usually appears only after a few days.
Whether due to an irritant or allergy to detergents, red itchy rashes on the skin may appear.
Common areas affected are the arms and legs, especially at the folds of skin such as armpits, elbows or the back of knees, where clothes are in closer contact with skin.
If severe, these rashes may even become weepy and oozy, and antibiotics will be required to treat the infection. Those with eczema may also be more easily affected. Take your baby to a doctor for an assessment.
How often should I wash her bedding and soft toys?
Weekly hot washes using water of above 55 deg C is recommended. Soft toys should also be cleaned every week.
As it is not easy to clean soft toys well, it’s best that you leave soft toys out of your baby’s cot if she has sensitive skin, eczema or allergies.
House dust mites – which can aggravate eczema – also accumulate in carpets, rugs or heavy curtains. Be sure to remove, replace or clean them as frequently as possible.
House dust mites are killed in water with temperatures of above 55 deg C. To ensure elimination, soak laundry for four hours in warm water with detergent before washing.
Should I choose organic cotton clothing for Baby?
Loose, breathable cotton clothing is recommended for babies as it is soft, non-irritating and helps to keep them cool. There is, however, no evidence that supports the use of organic cotton.
Studies have also singled out Dermasilk, a specially treated silk, for its benefits to those with eczema.
Wool and mohair can be prickly, while synthetic materials like polyester, nylon, and rayon make babies sweaty.
Always wash new clothes before wearing to remove potential chemical residues and reduce the risk of allergy.
It has been chilly lately, so I often layer a sweater over her romper. Must I wash the sweater after every use?
Clothes should be washed if they picked up dirt or bacteria. A sweater worn over other clothes doesn't require a wash after every use, unless there are spills, sweat or contact with smoke.
Dr Stephanie Ho is a consultant dermatologist at Stephanie Ho Dermatology.
5 useful reminders
Choose outfits in soft breathable fabrics, such as cotton and Dermasilk.
Rinse new clothes through the wash to remove any residual dyes or fabric finishes.
Use the recommended amount of detergent and never overload the washing machine.
When hand-washing clothes, make sure they are well rinsed after washing.
Avoid detergents with fragrances, bleaches or dyes if you have sensitive skin. Try these laundry products, which pride themselves on using only natural ingredients in the formula.

The concentrated low-sud detergent can be used for front- and top-loading washing. No softener is required, thanks to the silk protein used in the formula. A natural ingredient from pure silk fibres, it helps fabric retain moisture content and smoothness. A 1.5-litre bottle retails for $11.90 from major supermarkets and online retailers.

If you prefer to handwash your little one’s clothes, especially when there are food stains, try this. It has a patented formula made of seven natural extracts that have antibacterial effects. Get a 200g soap bar at $4.90 from Mothercare, leading baby department stores and online retailers.