Your living room is a workout waiting to happen, and we’ve got your quickie routine – the kids can join in too!
Fifteen minutes is your sweet spot, says trainer Courtney Wyckoff , the creator of fi tness company Momma Strong, who designed this workout so you can do it anywhere there’s enough space to hold a plank, With the right mix and intensity, “you won’t walk away thinking that you have to fi t in more.” Do as many reps of each exercise as you can for a minute before moving on to the next.
Standing with feet hip-width apart, lower into a squat so that hip crease is just below knee level. Jump straight up and land in a low squat.
Scale down Quickly step one foot out, then the other, then back in.
Scale down Lift upper body (arms extended forward) and straight legs a few inches off floor and hold.
Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat, and palms on floor directly below shoulders; lift hips off floor several inches to start. Bend elbows directly behind you, about 90 egrees, then straighten arms to return to start.
Scale up Walk feet forward a few steps to do dips.
Start on floor in plank on forearms. Lift right forearm to plant palm on floor, straightening right arm, then repeat on left. Reverse movement back to forearm plank.
Scale up Crunch up and hold upper-body position as you do reps.
Scale down Do standard jumping jacks. Repeat exercises 1 to 7.