Should you buy that new dress? Which movie should you watch? If you feel tired from constantly making decisions, try these simple tips to get back on track

Should you buy that new dress? Which movie should you watch? If you feel tired from constantly making decisions, try these simple tips to get back on track

Make a list before you shop and give yourself permission to buy only one extra item. If you’ve used up that choice before you get to the register, then that decision whether or not to buy that chocolate bar has already been made for you!
Struggling to know which task to tackle next? If it’s not urgent, don’t waste time deciding – just write each job down on a piece of paper, fold, put them in an envelope and let luck choose. Draw a task out, complete it, then do the next one you pull out. Easy!
When selling a house or accepting a new job, it really does help to sleep on it. It’s best to make important decisions in the morning when you’re fresh and haven’t lost perspective, research suggests.

Fun For All
Relax and get quality family time in at St. Regis Singapore. Their Family Traditions staycation package has all you need for a weekend of fun with your husband and little ones. Each package includes a children’s gift bag, 4 pm late checkout, $80 daily credit towards family experiences and hotel services, an epicurean breakfast at Brasserie Les Saveurs and more. Choose between a St. Regis suite and a Caroline Astor Suite for the room selection (minimum two night’s stay). Visit for more information.
Writing As Meditation
Use this “mini meditation” to help you achieve a sense of inner calm while you go about your day. Think about who you are and your life, then put those feelings down in 25 words or less. For example, “Strong woman. Loyal friend. Will fight for my children. Love the beach.” When you’re forced to be concise, what’s really important in your life becomes very clear to you.

With 925 sterling silver trim, this high quality ballpoint pen from Montegrappa’s Passione Collection, $1,200, is one that will last for years to come.

Berry Bloat Buster
Overindulged? Eat a handful of raspberries. The juicy berry is a stomachstrengthening all-rounder, rammed full of fibre. Just one cup packs in 8 g of fibre, which is essential for healthy digestion.
Party Food Pop Quiz
Test your snack smarts by guessing the healthier options

Peanuts pack in 169 kcal as opposed to macadamias which come in at 215 kcal.
A 45 g handful of chocolate almonds clocks up to 255 kcal, while a small mince pie has just 191 kcal.
A 30 g serve of goat’s cheese at 74 kcal is better than cheddar at 119 kcal.