True story. And in Singapore, too. LEE XIN HUI rounds up other terrible tales and shows you how to handle your nutty manager.

True story. And in Singapore, too. LEE XIN HUI rounds up other terrible tales and shows you how to handle your nutty manager.

“She told me to consult her on every aspect of the project I was working on, but when I finally asked for her opinion, she told me to stop bothering her so much.” – Sherrie*
WHAT YOU CAN DO Unless you’re a mind reader, a fickle boss can be terribly frustrating because you never know if she’s going to change her instructions again. The best way to deal with her? Take minutes, and after every meeting or phone conversation, follow up with an e-mail and copy relevant parties in it so you have “evidence” and witnesses to back you up.
“When I’m on medical leave, she texts to check if I’m really ill. She assigns work to me all the same and demands that I submit it to her by 5pm – on the same day.” – Cheryl*
WHAT YOU CAN DO Some bosses just don’t know where and when to draw the line. While you may be tempted to ignore her text completely, you’ll want to stay in her good books too. Responding to the text with a call would be the best solution, says Orelia Chan, manager at Robert Walters Singapore. Explain that you are on medical leave, and work out a deadline to complete the tasks when you are back at work. That way, she can be assured that you’re still on top of things.
“My boss throws her shoes, staplers and pens at us when we don’t respond to her, even when we’re on the phone with a client.” – Tammy*
WHAT YOU CAN DO Did your boss get the memo? Probably not. Decent people do not throw shoes – or anything – at their colleagues. But since she has resorted to that, here’s the game plan: Let her know about her tendency to overreact and that you’d prefer her to stop getting physical as you hope to respect her as your boss, suggests Elfarina Zaid, leadership coach, facilitator and speaker at Elf Coaching.
“My boss lectures the department about punctuality and productivity but goes home early every day.” – Candice*
WHAT YOU CAN DO Classic case of double standards? Probably, but your boss could have a flexi-work arrangement with her higher-up because of family commitments. If you’re feeling sore about this because you too have personal issues that require such an arrangement, speak to her about it. Otherwise, our advice? Leave it. She’s the boss, after all.
“She comes by my desk several times a day to ask for updates even though the project is something that I’ve handled many, many times.” – Valerie*
WHAT YOU CAN DO Helicopter boss alert! Let her know in a professional and objective manner why this bothers you and link it back to how it impacts your work. If she needs constant reassurance, suggest scheduling a 15-minute meeting at a specific time every day. That way, you can spend the rest of the day focusing on your work without having someone lurk over your shoulder.
“She’s been promising me a promotion or pay rise for the past one and a half years, but the only thing I’ve got so far? More work.” – Aaron*
WHAT YOU CAN DO Well, now’s the time to break the silence. Find out when your company usually hands out a raise or promotion, and speak to your boss before that. Remind her of her promise to you and tell her that you need her to keep it. Ask if you fall short of any KPIs, and if you do, work on them.
“She noticed that my workstation was messy and asked: ‘Do I need to treat you like a three-year- old kid and teach you how to clean up after yourself?’” – Samantha*
WHAT YOU CAN DO If you react defensively, she’s only going to be even more certain that she’s dealing with a child. Remain calm. If she continues to speak to you in this manner, ask her in private if she does this because she thinks it is her way of being frank. She might not know how offensive it can be, so tell her honestly how the statements make you feel.
Other instances of “crazy” bosses
“My boss only allows me to go to the toilet twice a day.” – Kelly*
“My foreigner boss forbade us to speak Mandarin in the office on the basis that ‘it wasn’t professional’.” – Kasey*
“My boss is a huge cheapskate. Once, she purchased Groupon vouchers for our CEO’s farewell meal and tried to submit a claim for that meal.” – Taryn*
“My boss criticises the way we dress and scoff s at us for wearing clothes that cost less than $100 a piece.” – Belinda*
“She pits us against one another by badmouthing those who aren’t in the office, and suggesting that the nasty remarks came from someone else.” – Shawn*
“My ex-boss said that my desk didn’t have good fengshui (for her) and was too dim. When I came into the office the next day, I found a huge photo of a sunflower pasted on my table. She didn’t even ask if I was okay with it.” – Amelia*
*All names have been changed
EXPERT SOURCES: Elfarina Zaid, leadership coach, facilitator and speaker, Elf Coaching; Orelia Chan, manager, Robert Walters Singapore