Sending a parcel out is no longer be the same in this mobile age. You can get live-tracking via smartphone or setup customized instructions to your courier without ever meeting them. Here are four apps that are specially designed for your unique courier requirements – be it bulky items or even live animals.

Sending a parcel out is no longer be the same in this mobile age. You can get live-tracking via smartphone or setup customized instructions to your courier without ever meeting them. Here are four apps that are specially designed for your unique courier requirements – be it bulky items or even live animals.

ZYLLEM iOS, Android Free
Previously known as RocketUncle, this is a conventional courier service distilled into an app format. You can create new delivery requests in a few simple steps and manage your package delivery history at a glance. Like typical courier-delivery services, it picks up and delivers your parcels within the scheduled timeframe. Zyllem also provides real-time delivery tracking via SMS or email, and real-time confi rmation of successful orders. This way, you can rest easy knowing where your parcel exactly is, without calling up the company to ask about your parcel’s status.

ZAP DELIVERY iOS, Android Free
This courier and delivery service app can give traditional courier companies a run for their money. Instead of paying for costly express delivery services managed by internationally known courier firms, Zap Delivery promises to have your packages delivered within two hours, carried out by competent couriers. Prices are determined by package type and distance covered, similar to taxi rides. Given the layout of the interface and its price model, Zap Delivery works like Uber for parcels, and yes, you can become a courier yourself.

PETMATE iOS, Android Free
While it sounds like a pricey taxi service app for pets on paper, PetMate has the extra benefit of letting the user arrange a ride for the pet in advance. You can even arrange for return trips by specifying the timeslot for your pet to return from their solo trip around town. Effectively, this becomes a courier service that securely delivers pets with minimal supervision required on your end – accompanying it is entirely optional here. Send your furkid to the groomers and have them back to you on time, or drop them off at a pet hotel while you make a beeline to the airport for that holiday.

GOGOVAN iOS, Android Free
We have normal courier services, express alternatives, and even one version for pets. What about a courier that delivers bulkier items, without the need for advanced bookings? Now, there’s even an app for this niche. GoGoVan uses instant matching to get the closest van drivers for you, with the driver’s personal information clearly displayed on the app. It also has 24/7 availability – that’s one point in their favor when compared against traditional mover companies. You can also track your GoGoVan driver and rate them based on their performance too.