This chic home maximises its small space efficiently and in style.

This chic home maximises its small space efficiently and in style.
A bachelorette HOME One-and-a-half-bedroom condominium apartment SIZE 600sqf
It’s true what they say: Limitation breeds creativity. Faced with a small space, the bachelorette homeowner of this apartment realised she had to utilise every nook and cranny innovatively, so she brought in Kelvin Teo of Space Sense Studio to help reconfigure the space.
With a total renovation cost of $40,000, the result is a personality-filled home that’s comfortable and stylish.
“The homeowner needed a large wardrobe space and, at the same time, for the home to look more spacious. To achieve this, we converted the existing study room into a walk-in-wardrobe and cladded the door panels with mirrors,” says Kelvin.
This not only saved space – a clunky store-bought mirror would have taken up more room than necessary – but the reflection creates an illusion of a larger space, too. Necessities such as TV consoles, a dining table, as well as her bed were customised; integrated into the wall, these free up floor space.
With the basics out of the way, the homeowner, who is a fan of vintage decor and accessories, wasted no time decorating her space. Adding pops of colour to a neutral-hued backdrop, as well as a retro-chic atmosphere, are the owner’s Wong Kar Wai and soda bottle cap-inspired wall art and a green leather chesterfield sofa. The neon “Carpe Diem” sign and a variation of printed cushion covers imbue the spunky character of the homeowner into the home, too.

The kitchen's chalkboard inspired cabinet adds a cafe vibe to the home.