ON SATURDAY SEPT 10, the Azimut | Benetti Shipyard in Avigliana (Turin) hosted Eccellenze Motoristiche, the yearly motoring event of Ferrari and heritage cars. The event started on Friday Sept 9 in Strona (Biella) and ended in La Thuille (Ao), Italy, on Sunday Sept 11.
ON SATURDAY SEPT 10, the Azimut | Benetti Shipyard in Avigliana (Turin) hosted Eccellenze Motoristiche, the yearly motoring event of Ferrari and heritage cars. The event started on Friday Sept 9 in Strona (Biella) and ended in La Thuille (Ao), Italy, on Sunday Sept 11.
Almost 50 cars and 200 participants arrived at Azimut | Benetti’s headquarters. The guests, people who are fond of Ferrari and heritage cars, visited the shipyard where the famous yachts are made and took their cars for a challenging run between the plants. They also had the opportunity to learn more about the shipyard’s work processes, the passion and the high-quality Italian craftsmanship of Azimut | Benetti.
The event gathered symbols of Made-in-Italy excellence – two brands that are synonymous with luxury, innovation and prestige: on one side, the shining beauty of Ferrari cars and, on the other, the sinuous and high-tech shapes of world-famous Azimut | Benetti yachts.