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Young ParentsWhat’s a future-ready skill that I should equip my preschooler with?

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Young ParentsTHIS MONTH, WE ASK My kid speaks too softly. How do I get her to project her voice?

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Young ParentsTHIS MONTH, WE ASK Why is skin-to-skin contact with my especially important ?

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Young ParentsTHIS MONTH, WE ASK How should I handle a kid who keeps asking “why”?

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Young ParentsHow can I tell if my child’s preschool teacher is doing a good job educating her?

Our experts
Young ParentsIf your child is fussing, move her away from the table calmly and allow some free play for five to 10 minutes before attempting to feed her again.

Our experts
Young ParentsThis month, we ask i leave Baby with my in-laws and take him home only on weekends, because Hubby and I work long hours. Will he suffer because we’re not there every day?

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Our Experts
Young ParentsTHIS MONTH, WE ASK I’m exhausted enough from breastfeeding my new baby. Why should I still massage her?

Our experts
Young ParentsMy picky child eats only chicken rice when we dine out. How can I get her to try a healthier dish?

Our experts
Young ParentsGrandma says I’m too soft with my kids and they don’t fear me as a parent. Is this wrong? You’re right – the relationship with your children should be built on love and trust, not on fear. Based on such a foundation, the parent-child relationship can stay strong even after your young one becomes an adult. So, even if you choose to punish your kids for their wilful defiance, it should be done out of love – and you must remember to reassure them of that at the end of the day.

Our experts
Young ParentsHow can I get my kid to play less, and study more?

Our experts
Young ParentsI want to ban the family from using their gadgets at gatherings, but the kids and Hubby are against it.

Our experts
Young ParentsMy child won’t brush his teeth unless I threaten to punish him. How can we avoid this daily battle?

55 Inspiring millennials
Her WorldThese 55 women aged 20-34 dare to follow their hearts and do what they love. Here, they put their best faces forward.