7 things you should know about... teething

Your little one’s first tooth may make a nondescript debut or a grand entrance – complete with drooling, tears and all-day fussiness. EVELINE GAN finds out what to know about teething and what to do when it causes your child discomfort.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Your little one’s first tooth may make a nondescript debut or a grand entrance – complete with drooling, tears and all-day fussiness. EVELINE GAN finds out what to know about teething and what to do when it causes your child discomfort.

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1 Her first tooth may come in at around six months.

Most babies will cut their first tooth between six and 10 months, says Dr Natalie Epton, a specialist paediatrician and neonatologist at SBCC Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital. Others may get theirs later – around or after their first birthday.

Occasionally, some may even be born with a tooth, says Dr Chang Fu-Gui, dental surgeon from The Dental Studio.

Expect the two lower front teeth to come out first, followed by the top two upper front teeth. By two to 2½ years old, your toddler will have a full set of 20 teeth, he adds.

2 Watch for crankiness, crying, rashes and loose stools.

Little teeth erupting through the gums may cause pain and discomfort, so your baby may appear crankier and cry more than usual, Dr Epton says.

Watch for sore gums. If she is breastfeeding, she may refuse to latch on or nurse properly because of the discomfort, Dr Chang says. She may also chew on her fingers and toys, as well as drool a lot, which can cause skin rashes on the chin.

When swallowed, the excessive saliva can also cause loose stools, which may in turn lead to a diaper rash, Dr Epton shares. Three to four episodes of loose stools per day is considered “mild”, but see a doctor if your baby is experiencing more frequent and large amounts of watery stools, she adds.

That said, not all babies experience teething the same way. “Some may have no overt signs of teething, and the eruption of their first tooth may even come as a shock to parents,” Dr Epton says.

3 The jury’s still out on whether teething causes fever.

Doctors are still divided on whether teething causes fever – some believe there is a chance that inflammation surrounding the gums may produce a low-grade fever of around 38 to 38.5 deg C in babies, Dr Epton says.

But see a doctor if your little one’s fever is over 38.5 deg C, as it could indicate something more serious. “Your baby might have picked up an infection from chewing her toys and other objects that she has been putting in her mouth,” she adds.

4 Introduce her to some teething toys.

One of the most effective remedies to relieve discomfort is to let her chew on teething toys. Chill them in the fridge, but don’t freeze them as extreme temperatures can damage the gel in the toys, Dr Epton says.

You can easily make one, as well – just put a chilled, wet facecloth in a Ziploc bag. The coldness can help numb the gums and provide temporary relief, she adds.

5 Hold off numbing gels and teething necklaces.

While you can find topical numbing gels and creams to ease sore gums at pharmacies, Dr Epton doesn’t encourage using them. “They make it difficult for your baby to swallow her saliva, and this may increase the risk of gagging or choking,” she explains.

You shouldn’t rub alcohol on the gums, either. This can put babies and toddlers under the age of two at risk of lower oxygen levels in blood, warns the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA also cautions against using herbal or homeopathic teething gels which may contain ingredients, such as belladonna, which can cause breathing difficulties, drowsiness and seizures.

Some advocates claim that amber teething necklaces can help release pain-relieving substances and boost the immune system, but there are no scientific studies to back these claims. Most paediatricians as well as the American Academy of Paediatrics don’t recommend using them. “These necklaces may present a strangling risk if they get caught or tangled,” Dr Epton warns.

6 Start good oral hygiene before the first tooth comes in.

Help Baby get used to cleaning her gums even before she cuts her first tooth. Use a moist soft cloth or clean gauze pad to wipe her gums daily, Dr Chang advises.

Once her teeth emerge, you can get a finger brush or a baby-sized toothbrush. Use a rice grain-size amount of fluoride-free toothpaste when she is from about nine to 12 months. When she knows how to spit and rinse her mouth, you may start using a child-friendly toothpaste with reduced fluoride, Dr Chang says.

Be sure to brush your toddler’s teeth twice a day and floss a few times a week. To make tooth-brushing sessions easier and more fun, Dr Chang suggests using a child-size electric toothbrush.

7 It’s time to see the dentist.

Although these little teeth are not permanent, it is still important to care for them. When babies get cavities, they can spread faster than in adult teeth. Dr Chang recommends scheduling your baby’s first dental appointment when her first tooth appears.

“Although most kids this age will not be too cooperative, that first dental visit is important to  introduce your child to the dental environment. Make it a family day where Mummy, Daddy or siblings make a joint visit for their dental check-up,” he adds.