Ever wondered how some Instagram foodies take such perfect food shots? Here are five pro tips you can learn to get more likes on your IG feed.

Ever wondered how some Instagram foodies take such perfect food shots? Here are five pro tips you can learn to get more likes on your IG feed
1 Top Down View
Think of this as the equivalent of fashion’s flat lay shoots. It’s a trick many foodies use, and with good reason. Many dishes look great from the top down.

2 Avoid Filters
Pre-set filters, that is. But adjust the saturation, hue, warmth, highlights and shadows manually before you post your photo. It might take more time, but the results are always worth it.

3 Get More Light
Natural lighting plays a big part in making your dish look good. Serious foodies will opt for al fresco dining if available or choose a window seat. Never use a camera flash and if you really must get more light, switch on your phone’s flashlight function instead.

4 Pepper With Props
Having some props like cutlery, a flower vase or even your accessories in the background can help amp up your photo’s lifestyle quotient. But avoid overcrowding the dish you are shooting – remember the motto that “less is more” in food photography.

5 Make Food Move
This applies mainly to videos but can also translate to photos too. The process of food in movement is very exciting in a picture – think of an oozing “liu sha bao”, dipping a potato fritter into sauce or pouring gravy over a dish. Be sure to capture the moment in these processes.