Group managing director, komoco holdings. The boss of komoco shares his thoughts about hyundai cars, football and the company.

Group managing director, komoco holdings. The boss of komoco shares his thoughts about hyundai cars, football and the company.

"Our cars that we sell must have the workhorse capability."
How do you envision Komoco to be 10 years from now at its 40th anniversary?
I'm 70, not young anymore. It's been my duty to try and bring the younger people in. I'm giving them more responsibilities. Our overseas ventures are doing well. I think the ship is quite steady. We know what's coming, and we just have to be ahead of the game.
As long as we can provide a good product at the right price, that would be acceptable. Our objective is to sell to family members -- they keep the car for some time, and then they come back to buy the next one. We have worked quite well with that strategy.
But like everything else, volume is not the key, as far as our approach to the business is concerned. I think customer service is critical. Fortunately, I have a very good after-sales director, so I have more time to focus on marketing and operational aspects.
Which Komoco achievement in the past three decades are you most proud of?
Being the World Distributor of the Year 2000. We had close to 13 percent of the overall market, and we were recognised by Hyundai Motor Company as number one in the world.
What do you miss most about the good old days of Komoco in Singapore?
We were smaller, more efficient, and sold more cars with fewer people.
Hyundai car in the past 30 years made the greatest impression on you?
When we started, we sold the old model called Stellar, more than 4000 units a year. That was a very rough and tough car. I remember that a Minister of State came to buy and he said the car was "a workhorse". That taught me something -- our cars that we sell, they must have the workhorse capability.
You love football, so do you apply any strategies from the game to the car business?
Everything is about good man management. You look after the people under your wing, they will respond. It's the same thing in football -- you have to look after the boys. I still follow Singapore football for fun, to see how things are. I watch EPL, too, and a lot of rugby.
Remember your very first Hyundai?
Yes! It was a Prima, an upgraded 2-litre Stellar, back in 1986.