Water prices are going to increase by 30 per cent from July 1, so it’s a good idea to become even more judicious in how you use H2O. Here, experts from cleaning service provider Helpling suggest practical ways to reduce usage while getting your household chores done.
Washing your clothes is the second biggest use of water in most homes. Rather than running many small loads of laundry, stockpile your dirty linen and run a larger, fuller load instead. Additionally, it is also recommended that you choose an energy-efficient washing machine that will save you litres of water and electricity for each load.
Dish washing is a common household chore that requires the use of a huge amount of water. If you’re using too much soap, your dishes end up very foamy and you’ll need even more water to wash away the suds. Follow the instructions on the dish washing liquid’s label to find the perfect balance of soap to water ratio. Additionally, clean your dishes with the water in your sink instead of letting the water run the entire time you’re washing. Simply fill a sink with warm, soapy water and turn off the tap. If your water starts to get dirty and greasy, let half of it drain and add fresh water.