Regain perfect vision with transPRK epiLASIK.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Regain perfect vision with transPRK epiLASIK.

My Reading Room

Don’t let poor vision stop you from pursuing your dreams. Live life to the fullest, knowing you’ll be able to fully see all the world has to offer. Climb your first mountain without worrying that you’ll be fumbling with your glasses, or go diving without relying on powered goggles. All this – and more – is possible even for those who don’t have perfect eyesight, thanks to breakthrough vision-correcting procedure transPRK epiLASIK.

Previously, LASIK was commonly believed to be the best solution for short-sightedness, but it came with a host of risks. Dr Tony Ho, founder and senior ophthalmologist of Clearvision Eye Clinic & LASIK Centre, explains: “During LASIK, the doctor has to use either a blade or laser to cut a flap in the patient’s cornea. This can lead to flap dislodgement, flap-related complications and dry eye problems. With advancements in technology and technique, such risks in LASIK can be completely eliminated with the surface-based transPRK epiLASIK.”

The transPRK epiLASIK procedure takes just 20 to 40 seconds per peeper, depending on eye power. The process uses the Schwind Amaris 1050RS excimer laser – it is renowned for being the world’s fastest laser machine. It can also track minute eye movements for extremely precise and accurate treatment.

During transPRK epiLASIK, that single laser is used to remove the surface epithelium cells and cornea tissue stroma to refine your vision and give you perfect sight. The one-step treatment is completely non-invasive, as no cuts are made and zero surgical instruments are used.

Afterwards, you’ll be required to wear a high-oxygen-content soft lens to promote quicker healing for about five days. This will be removed by your doctor during your follow-up appointment.

Take charge of your eyesight with transPRK epiLASIK and be truly ready to embrace the adventures that are waiting. See more, feel more and live more. For more information, visit


Learn about transPRK epiLASIK and other laser vision correction procedures at a free talk on Oct 14 or Nov 12, 2016. It will be at Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel from 2pm to 3.30pm. To register, call 6100-2020 or visit