Hate your bulging waistline? IYAC Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Clinic’s latest treatment promises to tackle this problem without invasive surgery.

Hate your bulging waistline? IYAC Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Clinic’s latest treatment promises to tackle this problem without invasive surgery.

Fat around the waist and abdomen is a bugbear for many. No matter how healthily you eat or how much you exercise, those last few stubborn inches simply refuse to budge.
Helping you tackle this problem is IYAC Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Clinic. BTL Vanquish MeTM, the clinic’s latest non-invasive fat-busting treatment, uses radio-frequency energy to heat and destroy fat cells without harming the surrounding skin and tissues. The fat cells are then naturally eliminated by the body.
According to clinic founder Dr Isabelle Yeoh, BTL Vanquish Me is ideal for those with dietand exercise-resistant fat who are within 5kg to 7kg of their ideal weight, and want to lose inches off their abdomen and waist without surgery.
Unlike other non-invasive treatments such as Coolsculpting (which uses an applicator to directly freeze and destroy fat cells), BTL Vanquish Me uses a device that does not come into direct contact with the skin and is comfortable, even relaxing.
Dr Yeoh likens the treatment to standing in front of a heater: “You’ll feel only a warm, heating sensation, so it’s a good choice for those with a low threshold of discomfort.” In addition, there is little or no downtime – which means you’ll be able to go about your usual activities straight away. In fact, you’re even encouraged to exercise on the same day, after the treatment.
The main advantage, though, is that it treats the abdomen and love handles simultaneously in one 45-minute session, making it a tim-eeffective procedure . “Options such as Coolsculpting are good for treating small, localised bulges, while BTL Vanquish Me is more suitable for those with a larger area of fat,” says Dr Yeoh.
And the results? As the good doctor says, some see results after just one session, while others, after four. “Most people need a series of four weekly sessions and can expect visible results one month after the final session.”

Meet the doctor
Dr Isabelle Yeoh is a GP with a special interest in aesthetic medicine. She established her practice, IYAC Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Clinic, in 2002, and her areas of expertise include skincare, laser treatments, body contouring, botox, fillers, chemical peels, skin tightening, acne management and medical facials. Her approach to beauty is a holistic one that includes good nutrition, stress management and ample rest, and she believes that everyone can look good no matter their age.
IYAC Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Clinic is at #06-03 Camden Medical Centre. Visit www.iyac.com.sg to find out more about the services off ered by the clinic. For bookings and enquiries, call 6738-9989 or e-mail info@iyac.com.sg.