Got a relationship problem? Jason Godfrey, our man about town, is here to help.

with this guy, and it seems like we’ve really clicked. We’ve been Whatsapping each other daily, but recently, his messages seem to have slowed down.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
My Reading Room

I’ve gone on five dates with this guy, and it seems like we’ve really clicked. We’ve been Whatsapping each other daily, but recently, his messages seem to have slowed down. He takes hours to reply – even on weekends. I’m confused by his change in attitude. What’s going on?

Anything could have happened, but it doesn’t mean he’s not interested. Remember, you’re at that stage of courting when it’s still a game – which means that being overeager and too available might make him take you for granted. Try being the one who takes hours to reply to a text, and see if that hastens his responses. It’s just the way the game works, girl. 

My boyfriend seems to hate my close guy friends. He doesn’t make the effort to get to know them, and picks a fight with me whenever he knows I’m hanging out with them. He’s not like that with my girlfriends. I love him, but don’t want to lose my guy friends. How do I sort this out?

Does your guy have a lot of female friends? I’m guessing he doesn’t. Some guys can’t really be close friends with girls unless they’re interested in them, and your boyfriend probably thinks that’s the deal when it comes to you and your guy friends. Try getting him to hang out with them, and make a point of being touchy with him to show him (and your guy friends) you’re definitely taken.

I’m in my late 20s. I’ve got a job I like, great friends, and interesting hobbies. Thing is, I’ve never had a serious relationship. Am I doing something wrong? Should I be worried?

This is an advice column, and when you start out with “I’ve got a great job and friends and hobbies”, I feel bad about my own life and want to ask you for advice instead. The short answer to your question is no, you sound like you’ve got it together. But you could put yourself out there more – in real life and on the Internet. You know what they say – she who dares, wins.

what’s up?
Why aren’t
you texting me
Dude, what’s up? Why aren’t you texting me anymore?
1 We get insecure about our bodies too

We’re subject to unrealistic standards of beauty too. All those jacked dudes on the covers of health magazines? It makes us feel horrible about our paunchy guts and receding hairlines. We eat our feelings too, you know.

2 We mean it when we say you don’t need makeup

Coiffed hair and smoky eye makeup? Guys could do without that. I’ll be straight – short shorts, a top, and hair pulled back in a loose ponytail work just fine. You’re hottest when you’re not trying.

3 We lie because we’re scared of upsetting you

We sometimes don’t tell you we had lunch with a female colleague, or that a girl struck up a conversation with us. It’s not a conspiracy to cover up any infidelity. We’re preserving our sanity. Because we know it’ll drive you crazy even if we tell you it didn’t mean anything.

4 We love you – even when we don’t want to hang out with you

Just because we don’t want to go shopping, accompany you to the spa, or head to the park to look at the flowers doesn’t mean we don’t love you. It just means we don’t like shopping, the spa, and staring at flowers. Sometimes, it is what it is.

5 We hate it that you gush about that guy you’re close to at work

We totally trust you. But don’t get taken in when we play it cool – we do sometimes wish he’d get abducted by aliens (or maybe, just quit his job?) so we can have you all to ourselves again. Truth.

Have more questions about men and their romantically obtuse ways? E-mail Jason at, follow him on Twitter (@bigsmilenoteeth) and like his Facebook page at


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