Look younger instantly without going under the knife.

Look younger instantly without going under the knife.

A youthful-looking face is often full and plump. Unfortunately, as we age, the face naturally loses volume – cheeks become hollow and the eye sockets, sunken. When topical creams and serums just aren’t cutting it, dermal fillers – injectables that act like inflatable cushions to support a shrinking facial structure – are the next best option. For example, if you have hollowness under the eyes that no concealer can fully hide, dermal fillers injected into the tear troughs can plump up and camouflage dark eye circles. They can also fill in wrinkles and acne scars, as well as enhance facial features, giving you a higher nose bridge or a sharper chin, in under an hour. Hyaluronic acid fillers are the most widely used type of dermal fillers, mainly because they deliver immediate results – hyaluronic acid attracts moisture to the skin to keep it looking plump and supple. According to Dr Lam Bee Lan, medical director at Ageless Medical Centre, “the earlier you start correcting volume loss with dermal fillers, the less maintenance you’ll need in the future. A woman who has had fillers will look considerably younger than one who hasn’t, even if they are of the same age.” The way we see it? Dermal fillers are a great option for those who want to age gracefully without going under the knife.