Stay in shape

Slim and tighten your face and fi gure with services from Th e Chelsea Clinic.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel

Slim and tighten your face and fi gure with services from The Chelsea Clinic.

My Reading Room

The beauty goal for many women is to have a V-shaped face and a slim, trim figure. A healthy lifestyle is the key to this, but it can’t solve every problem. Some concerns, like a heavy jawline, sagging skin or a fl abby belly, may be down to genes, age and bad habits. That’s where aesthetic procedures come in: to complement your good diet and exercise regime, and give you targeted fat loss.

My Reading Room

1. I want a slimmer, more youthful-looking face but hate invasive procedures. What treatments do you suggest?

If you have a square jaw, which can be the result of oversized masseters (chewing muscles), I would suggest injections of botulinum toxin into the jaw muscles. This can help reduce bulk and soft en the jawline. Typically, there is a pinprick discomfort from the injection. Results generally appear over a couple of weeks.

For firmer skin, you can try Ulthera. This treatment uses ultrasound waves to supposedly stimulate collagen production. It can help you achieve a V-shape face as skin is gradually lifted and toned. These results are said to develop slowly over two to three months after treatment.

2. What are hyaluronic acid fillers and what can they do for me?

Hyaluronic acid fillers can be used to sculpt the chin for a V-shaped face. They can also be used for anti-ageing – for example, filling wrinkles or adding volume to hollow cheeks or under-eyes. Results are usually immediate.

My Reading Room

3. Despite dieting and exercising,  I  still can’t get rid of fat in certain areas. Help!

The Chelsea Clinic has two different devices that are said to destroy fat cells in targeted areas. The first is Liposonix, which uses heat generated by ultrasound to reduce fatty tissue on the tummy and thighs. You may feel a warm sensation during the treatment, which may be uncomfortable at times. The second isZeltiq Coolsculpting, which can be used to treat smaller areas, including love handles, muffin tops and upper arms. Rather than heat, it uses cold temperatures to destroy the fat cells. Results for both treatments appear gradually over a few months.

The Chelsea Clinic is at #05-08A Wheelock Place (tel: 6735-8833) and #03-21 Rochester Mall, 35 Rochester Drive (tel: 6570-3913). To find out more, visit or