We all know the feeling of churning out reports while lazing in bed – it simply doesn’t work. So here are some tips to help you get through your to-do list in no time, even when you’re not in the office.

We all know the feeling of churning out reports while lazing in bed – it simply doesn’t work. So here are some tips to help you get through your to-do list in no time, even when you’re not in the office.

Get out of your pjs
Working from home doesn’t mean spending the day in your blanket fort with your laptop. Going through the motions of getting dressed will put you in the right mindset for a productive day ahead.
Keep it cool
21°C is just the right temperature for maximum work productivity, according to a study by the Berkeley Lab at the University of California. But feel free to adjust the temperature if that makes you freeze. After all, you’re the boss at home!
Turn up the speakers
Music can up your productivity, but the genre that will make you most efficient differs based on what you’re doing, says a study by Mindlab International. Blast your fave T-Swizzle hits to tackle dataentry tasks faster, but opt for Beethoven if you’re crunching numbers. For the wordsmiths, EDM can help you proofread and spell-check faster and more effectively. Who knew?
Have a break
A 17-minute break for every 52 minutes of work is the golden ratio when it comes to optimum productivity, according to researchers at the Draugiem Group. We doubt you’ll be able to get away with this in the office, so plus points to working from home!
Sit up straight
Your mind needs oxygen to function, and sitting up straight gives your lungs more space to expand as you breathe. A good chair helps you do just that, so don’t scrimp the next time you go furniture shopping. Needless to say, lying in your bed is defo not recommended if you want to get any work done.
Be inspired by colours
Green is good for those who put in long hours. Aside from the fact that it doesn’t make your eyes tired, it also helps you remain calm and efficient, says a study by the University of Texas. For those in the creative line, yellow helps to inspire you. As for the rest, blue is always cool when it comes to helping you focus on your tasks