Sleeper Hits

Counting sheep and getting nowhere? Say bye-bye to tossing and turning endlessly with these 10 tips for a good night’s sleep. See you in la-la land!

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Counting sheep and getting nowhere? Say bye-bye to tossing and turning endlessly with these 10 tips for a good night’s sleep. See you in la-la land!
Listening to your fave tunes before sleeping may not be a good idea.
Listening to your fave tunes before sleeping may not be a good idea.

1 Establish a regular sleeping and waking time.

2 Naps, if you do take them, shouldn’t exceed 45 minutes.

3 Block out all distracting noise, and eliminate as much light as possible.

4 Use comfortable and inviting bedding.For better sleep at night, make your bed every morning.

5 Find a comfortable sleeping temperature setting. Keep the room wellventilated as well.

6 A light snack before bed is ok, but avoid heavy, spicy or sugary foods four hours before bedtime.

7 Lay off coffee, tea, sodas and chocs at least six hours before bed.

8 Say goodbye to your wine glass at least four hours before bedtime and don’t smoke.

9 Regular exercise helps you sleep better, but it shouldn’t be right before sleep.

10 Reserve your bed for the two s’s - sleep and sex. Don’t use it for anything else!

More: sleep