Make sure your little ones can move about safely at home.

It’s easy to stash away your breakable items, put photo frames on higher shelves, and cover electrical outlets. But there are still certain spots in your home that could be potential safety hazards for toddlers learning to walk, or curious and active kids. Here are some things to watch out for:
Cushion sharp edges and corners of tables and other furniture with safety guards or bumpers to soften the impact, in case your child knocks into them. Look for bumpers that stay securely on furniture edges. Have a glass coffee table? Make sure it is made of tempered glass which breaks into small dull pieces, instead of big shards, on impact.
Make sure your windows can open up to about only 8cm, about the size of an adult’s fist. Install window guards for an extra layer of protection. Shorten and secure cords of window blinds to prevent strangulation.
When cooking, use the back burners, and turn pot and pan handles away from the front of the stove. Keep small appliances, such as the toaster, coffee maker, or hair dryer, away from the edge of counters.
Bundle wires together, hide them behind furniture, or use hide-a-cord devices. Keep your Wi-Fi router, TV cable box, and phone and tablet chargers as high up as possible. Make sure electric fans are at a height where tiny fingers won’t be able to reach into its fan grate.
Cleaning supplies, toiletries and medicine should be kept out of sight and out of reach. Lock them in cabinets – there are safety locks and latches for this purpose. Don’t leave small objects, such as buttons, batteries, paper clips and coins, as well as sharp objects such as razors and scissors, lying around.
Pool noodles – the long cylindrical floaters used in swimming pools – make great door stoppers. Cut a small piece out, slit it in half and wedge it into the edge of your doors to keep them from slamming shut and potentially hurting small fingers.