Belle Fleur

Nothing captures the memory of a carefree summer day better than Lanvin’s Eclat de Fleurs.

Portrait of Tammy Strobel
Nothing captures the memory of a carefree summer day better than Lanvin’s Eclat de Fleurs.
TPG/Click Photos
TPG/Click Photos

October can feel a little dreary when the warm rain makes an appearance, the once-beautiful flowers start to wither and the remnants of the summer heat still linger. And while we wait for cooler weather to arrive, it’s hard not to reminisce about the days when flowers were in full bloom.

As much as we dislike the sweltering summer heat, being outdoors is simply irresistible when you’re surrounded by natural beauty. It’s not just the amazing colours, there’s also that distinct smell in the air that invigorates – fresh grass, refreshing summer rain and blooming flowers.

They say scents have the power to trigger memories, but in the case of Lanvin Eclat de Fleurs, the delicate floral scent is so fresh that it evokes a mood instead – one that will have you kicking off your sandals and running freely in the meadows. One whiff of the scent and you’re reminded of fresh flowers, and you’ll be transported back to those carefree days of youth spent in parks and gardens. At first whiff, there is a refreshing burst of pear, before it settles into subtle notes of freesia, rose and jasmine sambac. And after the floral notes trail off, Eclat de Fleurs softly leaves behind the musky base notes of creamy sandalwood and white musk.

A scent is all it takes to alter your mood, so you can be wherever you want to be, and be whoever you want to be. And if a whiff of a fragrance can take us back to a time when there was nary a worry, we’ll keep the Eclat de Fleurs close to us for a long, long time.

Famous gardens in films

Here are some of the most iconic gardens that have graced the silver screen.
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Marie Antoinette

You can’t talk about gardens in movies without bringing up Marie Antoinette surrounded by opulent flowers in her fabulous Palace of Versailles.

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Pride and Prejudice

It’s hard to forget the beautiful green expanse where Mr Darcy confessed his feelings to Lizzie. The plains, the sun, the kiss – oh, just marvellous.

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The Secret Garden

It was a truly magical moment when orphan Mary Lennox found her way into the garden and spent her days dancing barefoot and playing music with her friends.

More: flowers