If you’re constantly finding yourself lost in conversation, these apps will help you get right on top of what’s hot and trending.

If you’re constantly finding yourself lost in conversation, these apps will help you get right on top of what’s hot and trending.

E! News (iOS/ Android, Free)
Sometimes, all people want to talk about is what celebrities are doing, or what the latest movie is. No problem. Just fire up the E! News app beforehand and do some quick reading up. With everything from movies to music to fashion and of course, trashy gossip, we’re sure you’ll find something to talk about. As a bonus, the app also has plenty of videos and photos that you can whip out and share, so you won’t even have to do that much talking.

HardwareZone- Forums (iOS/ Android, Free)
You didn’t think we’d do an app round-up like this and not throw in a shameless plug for ourselves did you? Seriously though, if the conversation veers towards anything tech or Singapore-related, you can be sure to find a thread discussing the same things through this app. So just like with Reddit, do a simple search, go “Oh yes! Did you guys see this?” and let the conversation continue.

Reddit (iOS/ Android, Free)
With literally thousands of users, communities and topics on Reddit, there’s no reason why you can’t jump into any conversation with this on your phone. From Twitter’s trending topics to silly cat photos, there are entire communities that you can tap into, all easily sorted by what’s hot and what’s not. Simply search by post, and get ready to amaze with the videos and photos you find. Just remember, you’re “sharing” these with the group; not seeing it for the first time.

Quartz (iOS, Free)
Need information on more serious topics? Or maybe you just need a new way to get everyone’s attention. Well, whip out Quartz and start texting questions about the latest news topics from around the world. The difference with Quartz is that you don’t read the news; you chat with a bot to find out more about it. Which means you can whip it out and get the whole group into the conversation, with no further effort needed. Too easy!