Is there always a trade-off between comfort and style? Not quite, as we discovered with Skechers.

Is there always a trade-off between comfort and style? Not quite, as we discovered with Skechers.

Big on design and even bigger on comfort, Skechers is one shoe brand that believes in delivering both form and function. And they’ve stayed true to that promise even after 23 years.
So it’s not surprising, then, that the brand applies this “all-rounded” philosophy even when it comes to appointing spokespersons to front their campaigns. This time round, they found a kindred spirit in Korean girl group SISTAR.
We steal a few moments with the K-Pop bombshells to grill them on tips to look sexier in sneakers and make your gym-going experience more effective.
How does skechers resonate with sistar’s image?
Bora: Each of us has our own style, but the Skechers shoes come in different colours, and each colour matches our [individual] personalities, which is why Skechers is great for SISTAR.
Which collection best describes sistar?
Hyolyn: D’lites is the one that best [matches] us because we like to dress comfortably and casually. You can pair D’lites with comfortable clothes and it will always look great.
All of you are known for your ability to dance in sky-high heels. When do you usually wear sneakers? Would you consider trading your heels for sneakers on stage?
Hyolyn: When we’re off-stage, we always wear sneakers since we wear heels on stage. We’ve always wanted a performance concept where we can wear sneakers… but so far, there hasn’t been an opportunity to wear them on stage. Soyu sometimes wear heels [off-stage], but the rest of us usually wear sneakers.
What’s sistar’s fave sneaker trend this season?
Soyu: Probably colours. The colours seem bolder this season – and it’s not so much solid colours, but pastels and soft tones.
What do all of you look out for when choosing a pair of sneakers?
Soyu: Design is the most important. And then we’d look at how comfortable it is. Dasom: There’s also the ability to make you look slimmer.
Which skechers outfit would you all wear to the gym?
Bora: When you’re working out, it’s better to wear tight-fitting clothes because it motivates you, so your workout can be more effective. We usually dress similar to how we’re dressed today – in tight-fitting leggings.
If you could design your dream sneakers, what would they look like?
Dasom: Like Skechers D’lites! Hyolyn: Something colourful or vintage-looking would be nice. Dasom: Black and white. It’s simple and you can match it with anything.
Is partying in sneakers a do or a don’t?
Hyolyn: It depends on how you style it…
Bora: I’ve seen a lot of girls these days who wear sneakers with dresses and feminine outfits so there are no limitations. It really depends on your personality and personal style.
Dasom: I’ve worn sneakers to parties before… but I was the only one (laughs).
Sistar is known for its sexy image. Tell us what outfit you’d pair sneakers with to look sexy.
Hyolyn: We’re dressed in leggings and tops today, which is a good way to show off our curves. The Skechers shoes are comfy and they show our ankles a little bit – that always makes you look sexy.
Name a girl crush who would rock sneakers well.
Dasom: After School’s Nana, the previous spokesperson for Skechers. She’s very tall and has really long legs, so even when she wears high-top shoes, she still looks very slim.
Sneak Attack
Get the low-down on the Skechers collections that SISTAR are fronting.

For the casual fashionista
SISTAR’s fave shoes
are also our pick! The marriage of the classic lace-up design with
animal print accents make for a great fashion statement. These have also
been seen on Korean heartthrob Kim Soo Hyun, so it’s defo going into
our shoe cabinet!
For the serious runner
GOrun 4
Any runner would know the importance of a midfoot strike in running, and these shoes address that need with the M-Strike® Technology. The GOimpulse™ Sensors, which deliver impulses to your body, give you an interactive running experience and enhanced sensory feedback. Perfect for avid runners.
For the intense walker
If you thought shoes couldn’t get any softer or comfier than the original GOwalk, meet its successor. Apart from the marriage of the brand’s signature Resalyte™ cushioning with the new Goga Mat™ Technology that promises high rebound, these shoes are also equipped with Adaptive GOGA PILLARS™ for a smooth walk. That’ll certainly put a bounce in your step!

For the gym regular
Aiming to achieve enviable curves? Then you gotta heed Bora’s advice and wear tight-fitting clothes for motivation. Which is why you’ll love the apparel from Skechers that are not only ultra-absorbent, but also form-fitting without hindering your movements.