It's been too long since we last heard her voice and boy, are we stoked for this powerhouse's latest album.

It's been too long since we last heard her voice and boy, are we stoked for this powerhouse's latest album.

The phrase “all or nothing” comes to mind whenever Adele is mentioned. After the massive success of her second album in 2011, Adele took a three-year break. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, she drops “Hello” from her new album 25. To no one’s surprise, it took the world by storm, achieving a million downloads on its release week. Just like her previous albums, the tracks in 25 are bursting with emotion while thoroughly showing off the British singer’s powerful pipes.
This time around, Adele revealed that she penned the songs with a focus on discovering herself rather than her usual theme of heartbreak. But one thing’s for sure – you definitely don’t need a breakup to lose yourself in Adele’s heart-wrenching ballads.